Life through my eyes...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Snow baby!

It snowed in Christchurch on Saturday and it was definitely a picture moment! :)

I could barely remember the last time I saw a snow covered roof-top but flicking through my photos, it must be back in Sept '05 when it snowed over night. This time round was nowhere near as thick as the snow storm 3 years ago but snow being a rare occurrence in Christchurch, everyone still loved it!

Typically, there would be a huge snow fight but on this occasion, it was done on a much smaller scale by simply turning up to people's houses with snow balls in hand. I, however, chose to stay in the car which I later found out was not as safe as I thought. Despite my efforts to keep warm, I still managed to suffer a cold. For that, I blame Seng. Hmph!


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