ChRiStChuRCh --- SnoWiNg!
Good morning Christchurch! Have you looked outside your window today?
It's snowing in Christchurch at the moment in the midst of spring! Yes, freaky weather but who's complaining? It used to be very rare for it to snow in Christchurch until a few years back. Until yesterday, I was beginning to think that this year would be the exception. However, it does seem to be snowing almost every year now. It's great!
The reported temperature is currently 0 degrees celsius. Snow flakes are still falling as we speak, on a rather dry ground so the snow is piling up and getting thicker. This is a good sign for the ski fields that were being threatened for early closure this year. There seems to be no sign of life outside at the moment. The neighbourhood seems rather quiet. Maybe everyone's too busy with their life to bother about the snow. I'm sure most students will end up not attending classes to enjoy the weather.
As for me, i'm going out to take photos so that those of you who are missing out on this experience, won't miss out entirely. Don't you wish you're in Christchurch now? :P
It's snowing in Christchurch at the moment in the midst of spring! Yes, freaky weather but who's complaining? It used to be very rare for it to snow in Christchurch until a few years back. Until yesterday, I was beginning to think that this year would be the exception. However, it does seem to be snowing almost every year now. It's great!
The reported temperature is currently 0 degrees celsius. Snow flakes are still falling as we speak, on a rather dry ground so the snow is piling up and getting thicker. This is a good sign for the ski fields that were being threatened for early closure this year. There seems to be no sign of life outside at the moment. The neighbourhood seems rather quiet. Maybe everyone's too busy with their life to bother about the snow. I'm sure most students will end up not attending classes to enjoy the weather.
As for me, i'm going out to take photos so that those of you who are missing out on this experience, won't miss out entirely. Don't you wish you're in Christchurch now? :P
Damnit! I got soaked walking to and from uni =.='
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 5:48:00 pm
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