July babies!
I hadn't realised just how many July babies I know out there. So let me wish all of you a very happy birthday!
A shout out especially goes out to the following people who has in one way or another touched my life...
A shout out especially goes out to the following people who has in one way or another touched my life...
- Joel Yap
- Jennifer Chen
- Sophia Ling
- Gerald Chang
- Jin Chang
- Mark Hii...
- Kelvin Teoh
- Lilian Chan
- Timothy Levick
I shall keep this post short and sweet.
There was no repeat of the triple birthday celebration like last year due to the change in circumtances but we did however, go out for a simple dinner (chicken rice) followed by the usual karaoke at Boys & Girls to celebrate Jin's 29th birthday. He was a really good sport that night, actually drinking. Although he didn't drink too much, but at least he handled it a lot better than on previous occasions. It was definitely an awesome night! :)From left to right: Liz, Tzin Wei, Dan, Clark, Jin, Me, Tuan, Ai Ling, Aileen, Ching Yang & Seng
wow..the last pictures..are they malaysians? i only know 2-3 of them. haha.
WY, at Sunday, August 03, 2008 4:19:00 pm
Majority are... Then there's 2 from Vietnam and 1 from China. If i'm guessing correctly, those that you don't recognise are slightly older than us. That's why you've never seen them around.
Mabel Tan, at Tuesday, August 05, 2008 10:28:00 am
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