Life through my eyes...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Decision of the heart... Justification of the mind.

So many of us have gone through the cycle of having or being pursued, succeeded, endured and lost. Though many of us will ignore the impact of love in our lives. It's interesting to sit down and reflect on how many of the decisions made are from the heart rather than the head. A reasonable question would be how much we are willing to sacrifice for the sake of love.

Undoubtedly, we have all succumbed to making impulsive decisions in the heat of the moment. But, do we ever appropriately consider the underlying consequences of those decisions? How do we realistically, make a life changing decision when our minds are clouded with emotions? Love is such a powerful force between two people, that manages to conquer our minds and impair our judgments and decisions. How then are we able to distinguish a right decision from a wrong one?

We all face pressures. I suppose it comes down to our principles, morals and weighing up the pros and cons. We just have to pray hard that somehow, it'll be the right decision in the end. I guess it will never be easy, or maybe impossible to distinguish between a decision made from the heart and the head because no matter how hard we try to ignore the heart, it always plays a contributive role in the decision we make. Then i suppose that the way we justify whatever decision it is that we make is from our mind.

I guess however it is that we come to our final decision... we just have to trust ourselves enough... and believe that we have chosen the right path to follow.


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