The White House, The Lady of the House & I
The following photos were taken just outside my house at around 12:00pm, after the snow had stopped and the rain had just passed. The photos are of:
1. My black beauty baby levin parked outside the garage
2. My bro's mr2 parked on the street
3. My mum in her russian hat
4. My "white house" and
5. Me ruining the snow covered driveway with my footprints!

For your information, Uni is CLOSED today (Thanks to Seng Cheong for letting me know). The airport is closed as well because the runway is covered with snow causing many delays. The sun is up now... the snow is slowly melting away. Maybe we'll get another snowfall tonight or tomorrow - unlikely but we can always dream yea? :)
1. My black beauty baby levin parked outside the garage
2. My bro's mr2 parked on the street
3. My mum in her russian hat
4. My "white house" and
5. Me ruining the snow covered driveway with my footprints!

For your information, Uni is CLOSED today (Thanks to Seng Cheong for letting me know). The airport is closed as well because the runway is covered with snow causing many delays. The sun is up now... the snow is slowly melting away. Maybe we'll get another snowfall tonight or tomorrow - unlikely but we can always dream yea? :)
Ho Ho!
So nice hor, you stay at home all day and then uni gets closed.
I f**king went to uni and went to class =.=
Then they close uni! After I got there =.=
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 5:49:00 pm
You didn't even bother to inform me that the uni had closed. What if i had rushed to uni? By the way, I wanted to wish you in person but since it's not meant to be: happy belated birthday! Hehe...
Mabel Tan, at Monday, September 19, 2005 6:20:00 pm
i just missed it by 12 hrs? damn.
KevinTeh.Net, at Monday, September 19, 2005 7:45:00 pm
They closed uni after I left class la...
Xavier was the one who told me uni was closed =.= But still got 222 lect o.O
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 8:02:00 pm
Kev: Yeah! and you've been wishing for it since April! Haha... Bad luck. Just hope that it happens again in 2 weeks time lo... :P
Mabel Tan, at Monday, September 19, 2005 8:37:00 pm
Doreamon: Oh okiez... Well, maybe they'll go through it again on Wednesday because people would have missed out on lectures because of the unexpected snowfall. :)
Mabel Tan, at Monday, September 19, 2005 8:38:00 pm
^Pretty good attendance actually.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 19, 2005 10:17:00 pm
Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:51:00 am
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