Boring routine...
Life seems to be such a routine these days.
I get woken up either by the bright morning sun shining straight into my eyes, or by the annoying *teet teet teet* of my small alarm clock, which makes quite a racket for its size. I'll admit, it's usually the latter of the two, and there's always a short sleep-in which tends to take slightly longer than planned. Not a good idea. You would think that I would learn from my mistake... Hmmm... :P
The morning rush then begins - take a pee (hehe, you didn't need to know that), brush my teeth, have a shower, choose clothes (that usually takes up quite a lot of time, surprisingly), get changed, moisturise the face, style the hair, have myself a coffee (a must!) and off I go to Uni to attend the many lectures I have in the day. *SiGh*. By the time I leave Uni, I don't even get to see the setting of the sun, but only the street lights and headlights from oncoming cars.
Arrive home, cook, eat, wash up then back to Uni to study or stay at home and study. Before long, it's time to sleep and then the whole routine begins with less than 8 hours of sleep every night. It gets so tiring!
Weekends are no better. Sport, sport, sport - all in preparation for Bersatu. Really looking forward to Bersatu this year though, with it being my final year unless of course i'm still in Christchurch next year then i'll definitely consider playing for CMSA again! Hehe.
Sad, sad life. Can't believe that it's already at the end of May. We're almost in the middle of the year. Time has honestly flown past so fast, it seems like i've hardly achieved anything this year. The hours in a day doesn't seem to be enough for me to achieve everything I set out to do everyday. It's honestly, really frustrating and disappointing.
Exams and mid-year tests all coming up. I really wish everyone the best of luck and hope that all of you put in the hard yards for the next few weeks! :)
Just called home not too long ago. Really wish I was back in Malaysia now. Don't really know why - I hardly know the place. I guess it's the company of relatives and the fact that it's somewhere far away from everything - a place to run and hide rather than deal with everything infront of me. I suppose it's always a person's dream to be somewhere they're not. Human nature - never satisfied, always wanting something we don't have and when we have something, we always want something else. Silly really...
Anyway, it's getting late. I have a test tomorrow night on taxation. Fun fun fun. Tax! OMG! Do you know that as a taxpayer, if you're deriving income from an illegal activity, you're still required by law to pay tax on it? In other words, in filling out a tax return form, you must declare that you're deriving profits through illegal activities. Who in their right mind would do that?! OMG! However, the IRD have a policy that prevents them from disclosing how income has been derived - in other words, whatever information you give them, they are unable to disclose the information to say, the police who can prosecute you! Duh! WTF!
Time to get my much needed beauty sleep. Which reminds me, my eye's still healing!! It's been just over 5 weeks and it's still healing. Grr... Doctor told me roughly 5 weeks... i'll give it two more weeks otherwise i'll start panicking... It must be illegal to look like this in public... Gross! Yuck! *ptui* *ptui* ... Good night!
I get woken up either by the bright morning sun shining straight into my eyes, or by the annoying *teet teet teet* of my small alarm clock, which makes quite a racket for its size. I'll admit, it's usually the latter of the two, and there's always a short sleep-in which tends to take slightly longer than planned. Not a good idea. You would think that I would learn from my mistake... Hmmm... :P
The morning rush then begins - take a pee (hehe, you didn't need to know that), brush my teeth, have a shower, choose clothes (that usually takes up quite a lot of time, surprisingly), get changed, moisturise the face, style the hair, have myself a coffee (a must!) and off I go to Uni to attend the many lectures I have in the day. *SiGh*. By the time I leave Uni, I don't even get to see the setting of the sun, but only the street lights and headlights from oncoming cars.
Arrive home, cook, eat, wash up then back to Uni to study or stay at home and study. Before long, it's time to sleep and then the whole routine begins with less than 8 hours of sleep every night. It gets so tiring!
Weekends are no better. Sport, sport, sport - all in preparation for Bersatu. Really looking forward to Bersatu this year though, with it being my final year unless of course i'm still in Christchurch next year then i'll definitely consider playing for CMSA again! Hehe.
Sad, sad life. Can't believe that it's already at the end of May. We're almost in the middle of the year. Time has honestly flown past so fast, it seems like i've hardly achieved anything this year. The hours in a day doesn't seem to be enough for me to achieve everything I set out to do everyday. It's honestly, really frustrating and disappointing.
Exams and mid-year tests all coming up. I really wish everyone the best of luck and hope that all of you put in the hard yards for the next few weeks! :)
Just called home not too long ago. Really wish I was back in Malaysia now. Don't really know why - I hardly know the place. I guess it's the company of relatives and the fact that it's somewhere far away from everything - a place to run and hide rather than deal with everything infront of me. I suppose it's always a person's dream to be somewhere they're not. Human nature - never satisfied, always wanting something we don't have and when we have something, we always want something else. Silly really...
Anyway, it's getting late. I have a test tomorrow night on taxation. Fun fun fun. Tax! OMG! Do you know that as a taxpayer, if you're deriving income from an illegal activity, you're still required by law to pay tax on it? In other words, in filling out a tax return form, you must declare that you're deriving profits through illegal activities. Who in their right mind would do that?! OMG! However, the IRD have a policy that prevents them from disclosing how income has been derived - in other words, whatever information you give them, they are unable to disclose the information to say, the police who can prosecute you! Duh! WTF!
Time to get my much needed beauty sleep. Which reminds me, my eye's still healing!! It's been just over 5 weeks and it's still healing. Grr... Doctor told me roughly 5 weeks... i'll give it two more weeks otherwise i'll start panicking... It must be illegal to look like this in public... Gross! Yuck! *ptui* *ptui* ... Good night!
Such is life.
No matter what may come our way, no matter what may burden us, we must always stand up and face it.
No use running away, it'll just follow you where ever you go.
Remember, if you sleep in too late, thats time wasted that you could have spent on other activities.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 1:32:00 pm
I think you should choose your clothes before you go to bed. It saves heaps of time. Trust me.
And why the hell would someone dealing in illegal activities feel obliged to declare taxes despite being promised "undisclosure" from IRD?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 4:11:00 pm
maybe he/she is against lying lol
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:37:00 pm
Sophia: Hehe! I used to do that. Now... dunno. lazy. Also, depends on the weather and the weather these days are so unpredictable. Btw, how's the weather in Dunedin? Need to start thinking bout what i'm gonna wear for Bersatu. Keke!
Mabel Tan, at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:17:00 pm
Bloo: You talking about illegal activities in your last comment? Blur! I'm sleepy now... Zzzz!!
Mabel Tan, at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:18:00 pm
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:14:00 am
Who needs sleep.If only we dont need sleep.. we can accomplish so much in 24 hours! hehe...
About ur illegal tax.Yes, IRD wont disclose ur information and the po po's wont prosecute you.. but that doesnt mean u are not backlisted n waiting for them to bust ur ass since they KNOW about u.But hey, government needs money.. illegal or not , we all as citizens must contribute to the economy. just like those girls at machester.. constributing to the economy.
he he
Anonymous, at Saturday, June 03, 2006 12:47:00 pm
MoK: Haha! This is so your thing!! Haha! *WiNk*! Thanks for visiting anyway. :P
Mabel Tan, at Saturday, June 03, 2006 1:02:00 pm
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