Life through my eyes...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Update for the past few days

Having just arrived home, and a brief telephone conversation, i'm just about done for the day at 12:29am. It may seem that I have been neglecting my blog and to a certain extent, this is quite true. I guess i've just been too caught up with spending time with my family while preparing for my exams to really have time to allow myself to sit down and share my thoughts with the outside world.

Some people have mentioned that my blog seems to revolve around me. My response to that is: what else is a blog for except to express my own thoughts and feelings about the issues that concern or affect me? Isn't a personal blog a reflection of the author? Perhaps it would be wise for you to sit down and analyse/judge yourself before you lash out at others. For goodness sake, hold your tongue so that it will give us some reason why your credibility should remain.

At this point, I would just like to wish the following people a very HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!:

  • Jonathan Ha (8th October)
  • Ah Boo (9th October)
  • Jessie Hou (10th October)
  • Casey Fung (11th October)

I have since added an extra to my blog which contains the zodiac readings for 2006, by Thomas Tan, for those who are interested. It is not as user friendly as I would have liked it to be but due to time constraints, I have had to leave it as it is until I can find the time to address the problem. This can be found at: or else check under my profile for other blog publications made by me. Over the summer, I hope to change the layout of my blog so please bare with me until then.

Catch a glimpse of some photos that were taken recently. More photos will be placed in the photo section of my blog in due course. For now, the following photos were taken at Uni last Friday while watching the 1st pro civil engineering students test their bridges across the duck faeces polluted river where participants fell in every now and then.

Our little group then decided to reconvene at Northlands Mall where we ended up having so much fun at Toy World. Enjoy the photos! :)

I'm too tired to continue, almost having to pry my eyes open. So on that note, good night and to you (you know who you are), i'm sorry I didn't have time for you tonight but be glad that there's always tomorrow. ZzzZZzZZzzz... Dream land here I come!!


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