Back in Christchurch
It's suppose to get easier each time, though somehow I seem to be finding it harder. It breaks me. My heart sinks and suddenly I feel lost - alone in this world once again. Though I know that you're always there, it's never the same than having you by my side each day.
It's so quiet. I wish I wasn't here... If I have to be here, I wish you were here with me...
I guess, we always wish for something that we don't have. We're never satisfied with what we've got. Somehow, we always envy those around us for what they have, and forget that they may be envying us for what we have too. Perhaps I should just learn to treasure what I have.
Then again, if I did that, I wouldn't be human would I?
Exams are nearing. My head's a mess. God help me... Help me get through just one more month until my mind can rest... and my heart can beat normally again...
It's so quiet. I wish I wasn't here... If I have to be here, I wish you were here with me...
I guess, we always wish for something that we don't have. We're never satisfied with what we've got. Somehow, we always envy those around us for what they have, and forget that they may be envying us for what we have too. Perhaps I should just learn to treasure what I have.
Then again, if I did that, I wouldn't be human would I?
Exams are nearing. My head's a mess. God help me... Help me get through just one more month until my mind can rest... and my heart can beat normally again...
hang in there. keep it real.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 11:01:00 pm
Like oh my gosh...
I so feel for you girlfriend, i don't know how on earth you are coping with the seperration!
You keep that chin up you hear! One month is short then you can be normal again!
Don't let those examsget you down you hear!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 11:01:00 pm
I'm guessing that anonymous is Seng Cheong. There's only one person I can think of who actually types and acts SO dramatic while claiming that other people are dramatic. So ironic eh? My gosh.
Mabel Tan, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:26:00 am
WTF Seng Cheong uses words like 'gosh' and 'girlfriend' in those context?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 10:05:00 pm
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