Actions today, consequences tomorrow
I do believe that in many instances, I have allowed myself to be affected by minute things amongst larger, more important issues. Most of the time, the repetitive occurrences of those minute activities that I initially chose to overlook, will end up being a bigger issue because the effect caused has been harboured deep within, thus, making things progressively worse.
Many times, I have been remembered to nip things in the bud, to solve the issue when it's small. Sometimes I question whether it is a downfall in my nature to allow those activities to repeat or whether it would be in my very own interest to combust immediately to avoid such a thing from recurring. Disregarding how we are connected, you should still show respect to me as a person, a living human being on this earth. Indeed, some of you have taken it for granted that you can treat me however you like. Let me tell you one thing, you can't!
You may be under an umbrella now, shaded from the truth but when that umbrella is lifted, you may find that while it has protected you from the rain, the storm has been brewing and it will hit when the time is just right. Just you wait.
My tolerance and patience will run out eventually. You have neglected to realise that you will get back what you have given. How you will learn of it is not my concern. The main objective is for you to realise one day and for you to be sorry because in the end, everyone gets what they deserve. This is not out of spite, it's just reality. One day, you will face the consequences of your actions because you never took it to heart to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Luke 6:31)
Many times, I have been remembered to nip things in the bud, to solve the issue when it's small. Sometimes I question whether it is a downfall in my nature to allow those activities to repeat or whether it would be in my very own interest to combust immediately to avoid such a thing from recurring. Disregarding how we are connected, you should still show respect to me as a person, a living human being on this earth. Indeed, some of you have taken it for granted that you can treat me however you like. Let me tell you one thing, you can't!
You may be under an umbrella now, shaded from the truth but when that umbrella is lifted, you may find that while it has protected you from the rain, the storm has been brewing and it will hit when the time is just right. Just you wait.
My tolerance and patience will run out eventually. You have neglected to realise that you will get back what you have given. How you will learn of it is not my concern. The main objective is for you to realise one day and for you to be sorry because in the end, everyone gets what they deserve. This is not out of spite, it's just reality. One day, you will face the consequences of your actions because you never took it to heart to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Luke 6:31)
Baby, who pissed u off?
KevinTeh.Net, at Saturday, September 24, 2005 10:25:00 pm
Hey Kev, definitely not you and that's the most important thing. :) Wish that you're in Christchurch right now. Feeling so violated. Things would have been so different if you were around... *SiGh* Why...?!
Mabel Tan, at Sunday, September 25, 2005 4:19:00 am
You know, you can always talk to me. I'm here to lend an open ear.
Anonymous, at Sunday, September 25, 2005 9:05:00 pm
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