Life through my eyes...

Monday, June 05, 2006

In between studying...

Nothing much to say except that i'm starting to drown in the amount of work I have to do with the many assessments coming up for the next month before Bersatu. Also, the need of trying to juggle sports and studies, and finding a balance... *SiGh* But with exams coming up, my priority is studies... cuz while I really love Christchurch (it being my home and all), and University of Canterbury, I don't really want to spend another year at Uni... do I? Haha! Doesn't help that I have the whole house to look after either - the lawn needs mowing, the plants need pruning, the house needs dusting, ... ah! I give up! Or maybe, I just shouldn't be so anal retentive? Hmmm... :P

Anyway, for your enjoyment, visit:
Cheap thrills... Life is what we make out of it... even when it's so boring, we still seem to find amusement from... errr... how do I describe it... putting a friend's hoodie on trademe to inform him that we've found it (although I don't think he realised that he had lost it in the first place). Hmmm... Current bid: $4000. YEAH RIGHT! What the hell!


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