Fishing... Dinner... Uni reopening... *SiGh*
- Saturday 2nd September -
10:30pm - Fishing @ Lyttleton Harbour. As far as I can remember... 5 cars... 19 people (too many to name). We had blankets to keep us warm... a couple of chairs for comfort... tuna sandwiches, biscuits, and potato chips to fill our tummies... hot coffee/milo in a flask and coke for drinks... and to make the atmosphere a bit romantic, candles to provide us with light instead of a torch... (I think no one could find their torch. Hehe!!) All that was missing was... errr... yeah... the fish! *fAiNt*! So we decided to pack up at 2:00am with zero fish caught. Hehe!! I think we were too noisy... especially with 20 questions! OMG!!
Here are some photos from the night before we resorted to going over to Ronald's house to cook indomie for supper. Wah piang! It was suppose to be fish ler... :P The night ended at 4:00am.

- Sunday 3rd September -
6:00pm - Dinner for Dato Mustapa Mohamed (Minister of Higher Education) @ Canterbury Horticultural Centre. The event started at 6:30pm. Through the many speeches and performances (which were indeed entertaining), my stomach was growling away as I hadn't eaten anything the whole day except for the muesli bar we each had in the car on the way to the venue... otherwise... *fAiNt*! I mean seriously, faint... from starvation. *StoMaCh gRuMbLiNg*
We were however, kindly offered by Ah Tung (or perhaps we begged him) the peanuts from the VIP table to sustain us until 9:00pm when dinner was finally served. The event was concluded with a photo session of all those that attended... and in the Minister's eyes... Ah Tung (Decker Chang) will now be known as "double decker". Hehe!

I wanted to put up some videos on YouTube of the performances for the night... but it's taking so long... So maybe next time. Sorry guys but you'll live! :)
- Monday 4th September -
Uni reopened for the 4th term today - the most crucial time of the year for us students. So if we seem stressed, moody, bitchy, or whatever... please bear with us... cuz everyone knows that exams are a bitch!
One question though: Lecturers encourage students to use past year papers as a guide as to what will be in the exam... meaning that at Uni, we're not encouraged to learn the material that is taught.. we're just taught to study past year papers in order to pass. Which brings me to question: So when we start working... how much will we know?
- Tuesday 5th September -
It's almost 5:00am. I've got class at 9:00am. Full day for me today. Wondering whether to sleep or to stay awake for the rest of the night. Hmmm... I think I should sleep for the remaining 3 hours before I have to wake up... So... this is good night from me! :)
10:30pm - Fishing @ Lyttleton Harbour. As far as I can remember... 5 cars... 19 people (too many to name). We had blankets to keep us warm... a couple of chairs for comfort... tuna sandwiches, biscuits, and potato chips to fill our tummies... hot coffee/milo in a flask and coke for drinks... and to make the atmosphere a bit romantic, candles to provide us with light instead of a torch... (I think no one could find their torch. Hehe!!) All that was missing was... errr... yeah... the fish! *fAiNt*! So we decided to pack up at 2:00am with zero fish caught. Hehe!! I think we were too noisy... especially with 20 questions! OMG!!
Here are some photos from the night before we resorted to going over to Ronald's house to cook indomie for supper. Wah piang! It was suppose to be fish ler... :P The night ended at 4:00am.

- Sunday 3rd September -
6:00pm - Dinner for Dato Mustapa Mohamed (Minister of Higher Education) @ Canterbury Horticultural Centre. The event started at 6:30pm. Through the many speeches and performances (which were indeed entertaining), my stomach was growling away as I hadn't eaten anything the whole day except for the muesli bar we each had in the car on the way to the venue... otherwise... *fAiNt*! I mean seriously, faint... from starvation. *StoMaCh gRuMbLiNg*
We were however, kindly offered by Ah Tung (or perhaps we begged him) the peanuts from the VIP table to sustain us until 9:00pm when dinner was finally served. The event was concluded with a photo session of all those that attended... and in the Minister's eyes... Ah Tung (Decker Chang) will now be known as "double decker". Hehe!

I wanted to put up some videos on YouTube of the performances for the night... but it's taking so long... So maybe next time. Sorry guys but you'll live! :)
- Monday 4th September -
Uni reopened for the 4th term today - the most crucial time of the year for us students. So if we seem stressed, moody, bitchy, or whatever... please bear with us... cuz everyone knows that exams are a bitch!
One question though: Lecturers encourage students to use past year papers as a guide as to what will be in the exam... meaning that at Uni, we're not encouraged to learn the material that is taught.. we're just taught to study past year papers in order to pass. Which brings me to question: So when we start working... how much will we know?
- Tuesday 5th September -
It's almost 5:00am. I've got class at 9:00am. Full day for me today. Wondering whether to sleep or to stay awake for the rest of the night. Hmmm... I think I should sleep for the remaining 3 hours before I have to wake up... So... this is good night from me! :)
exam is bitch or u urself??
hahaha.. kidding!! du stress la..
chill out babe..
mohd azmir, at Wednesday, September 06, 2006 12:06:00 am
Azmir: Exam la!! :P Hey... I have a video of you and the rest of the boys doing the haka eh?? Hehe!! :P
Mabel Tan, at Wednesday, September 06, 2006 5:44:00 pm
want it!! how can u pass it 2 me..
got msn or ym or not?? can pass there aite??
mohd azmir, at Wednesday, September 06, 2006 9:29:00 pm
Azmir: Oh ok. Hmmm... Add me la? :)
Mabel Tan, at Thursday, September 07, 2006 12:40:00 am
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