After Party!!

<--- The after party ticket! At the moment, the price has been set for $10.00 so unless I announce otherwise, it's $10.00! Tickets sold at the door for those not attending the ball, or else, it's included in the ball price.
Do the world a favour and save the $10.00 from now until Saturday to join in the fun!! Don't be kiam siap... Eat half price sushi for 2 days... or just don't eat for one day... Hehe! Kidding... Come one... come all! :)
On a side note... For as long as I can remember, CMSA Ball has always been called "Malam Malaysia" (abbreviated to "MM")... and when everyone else starts to call theirs "Malam Malaysia"... we suddenly call it the "Malaysian Ball"?? Hmmm... OK. Random.
P.S. Christchurch weather SUX today! But it didn't deter me from going shopping. Conquered Riccarton Mall, The Palms and South City within 2 hours. Hehe. Not bad. Bought myself a pair of 2 kg weights. Wanted 3 kg weights but couldn't find them. Grr! Wonder whether 5 days is enough time... Hmmm... OK. Hope to see all of you either at the ball or at the after party. MuaHaHaHaHa~!!
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