Life through my eyes...

Sunday, September 17, 2006


As advised, I visited Bloo's blog (a.k.a. Kevin Ting) to find the following post which I admittedly stole from him. Keke! :P Have a read... it's an eye opener. :)

The Pencil Maker and You

The Pencil Maker spoke to the pencil saying, "There are five things you need to know before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and you will become the best pencil you can be."

"First: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone's hand."

"Second: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but this is required if you are to become a better pencil."

"Third: You have the ability to correct any mistakes you might make."

"Fourth: The most important part of you will always be what's inside."

"Fifth: No matter what the condition, you must continue to write. You must always leave a clear, legible mark no matter how difficult the situation."

The pencil understood, promising to remember, and went into the box fully understanding its Maker's purpose.

Everyone is like a pencil. Created by the Maker for a purpose. Recalling the "Parable of the Pencil" will help us as we go through life.

First: We can do many great things, but only when we allow ourselves to be held in the Lord's hand will we do them best. In His hand we will become a living testimony of His grace and mercy. He is never heavy handed and we, like the reed, a person will never be broken when yielding to His gentle guidance.

Second: When we are going through this life's problems, we must remember that they are required if we are to leave our best mark. These painful sharpenings are all a part of God's plan for us to be the best that we were created to be.

Third: We have been created to correct any mistakes we might make. Oftentimes this requires forgiveness and restitution.

Fourth: The most important part of you will always be what's on the inside. Without a born again experience a person is an empty vessel, a pencil without a lead.

Fifth and Finally: With God in us and us in Him we are like a completed pencil ready to leave a mark in this world. Our life will be readable document that is a testimony to and of the power and love of God,the creator.

-- Parable of the Pencil

So we're all pencils now eh? Never thought of it in that way.

Anyway, off to pick up my Mum from the airport. That's right... She's finally HOME! :) It's been six months since I last saw her. It'll be great to have her home again... We never quite realise what we have until it's gone. Thought having the house to myself (and my brother) would be great... Hmmm... Nah... Too many responsibilities.

I feel like a whole burden has been lifted off my shoulders. You have no idea. I guess now i'll have more time for studies. It's time for me to be a 22 year old girl living at home again. Maybe i'll get to put on that smile that i've been longing so much to wear again. Thank God!

'Til next time... Smile... Cuz you never know who's falling in love with your smile. :)


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