Catching up...
Ever since exams hit, i've had to drown out everything else and have since lost track of time, missing a few of my friend's birthdays. So... i'd just like to wish the following people a very happy belated birthday:
- Nelson King (21st October)
- Alvin Tan (21st October)
- Andrew Kwong (22nd October)
- Lisa Ling (25th October)
- Laura Ling (25th October)
- Hung Ta Ko (29th October)
- Denise Adrian (31st October)
- Ronald Ling (02nd November)
- Jason Lai (05th November)
- Kenneth Wong (06th November)
- Alastair Fung (07th November)
I'm anticipating a very busy weekend up ahead so in case I forget again, happy birthday to:
- Josephine Ha (11th November)
Have been extremely busy for the past few days, house hunting with Kevin's family. Luckily we've been experiencing absolutely wonderful weather. However, i've learnt that being fair isn't great because I KEEP GETTING SUNBURNT! Grr... If I wear a spaghetti strap top, then i'm bound to have a strap line... If I wear a short sleeved top, i'm sure to get a sleeve line and burnt around my shoulders. So today, i'm wearing a long sleeve top even though it's so hot! I wonder whether Christchurch is any better? Hmmm...
Heard of sunblock? :P
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 11:57:00 am
Yeah, but I didn't realise that i will get sunburnt so easily ma! Aiyooo...
Mabel Tan, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 2:30:00 pm
fair skinned people always get burnt -_-
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:45:00 pm
Mabel Tan, at Friday, November 11, 2005 5:21:00 pm
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