Life through my eyes...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

You're not the only one...

I still remember the guys popping round to Sophia's house almost around midnight in Dunedin to catch up with me and somehow the conversation led to them asking us girls how and why girls are so difficult to understand and how our actions and words are so hard to interpret - that when we say one thing, we mean another... when we're angry we say we're not... when you ask us if anything's wrong, we say everything's fine... but deep down... boy oh boy are you in trouble!

You know what guys? You're not the only one who thinks that way. Watch "The Break Up". Sounds like a chick movie having a cheesy title but by watching this movie, you'll realise that... you know what? You're not the only one out there who feels the same way! Maybe, you'll see what frustrations the other gender faces through similar actions that you carry out... or maybe, communication may well be the better option, rather than hoping that they'll soon "get it".

I keep wondering... Why have a blog? After all, it's not as if we can freely express ourselves through this medium of communication with the outside world. In a huge way, we are restricted in what we can and can't publish. Not talking about getting sued or whatever... but i mean, sometimes, we can't name the names... we can't truly speak from our hearts... that's just sad. So maybe it would be better to just stick to a private diary... a book... but then, where's the fun in that? Hmmm...

Still in the process of sorting out Bersatu photos. Over 500 photos to sort - be patient! I hope to post them up soon, along with photos from other events. Wait la!! :P

Have a glimpse of the events...

Yang's surprise 21st birthday:

Note: The yardy took him half an hour to finish, but surprisingly he didn't puke in between (only he puked A LOT after) but he was still fine. Must have been all those cigarettes he had while he made us wait.


Unfortunately, no photos from Mark's birthday because he didn't want a celebration - 26 ma... very OLD!! Hehe. As you probably realised, i've given up wishing people "happy birthday" on my blog. Why? Cuz there's just too many birthdays, almost everyday so i'll resort to texting them myself. More personalised... Haven't received photos from Geoffrey's farewell yet and not sure whether I still will. Ronald dropped his external hard drive today and it doesn't seem to be working now. Hope for his sake, it'll somehow work in the morning!

All this photo rubbish... just makes me want to buy a digital camera. I have 1... well, my Mum's one but it's pretty crappy. The battery runs low really quickly and she took the other camera back with her to Malaysia. *cRiEs*! I want a CAMERA, a small one so that I can carry it around everywhere. You never know when there'll be a picture moment. Oh, then I really can stop pestering people for photos. Sorry peeps~! *PaiSeH* *PaiSeH*
Just watched the first episode of "Prison Break" since everyone seemed to recommend it to me. I think i've found my next favourite series. Hehe.


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