Super long update!
Cultural shocks have hit me since day one. Amongst the many is that of the squatting toilet. It may sound strange, but I haven’t been back to Malaysia for 3 years and a squatting toilet is non-existent in New Zealand. So anyway, on arrival in Singapore, I was desperately in need of the toilet and coincidentally, the only available one was the squatting toilet! I’ve always been slightly disgusted and scared of it personally, especially when I was younger cuz I always imagined myself falling in. I mean, the hole is so deep! So yeah, if I didn’t have any other choice then i’d force myself to use it but in this case, I decided to find another. :P Then on the way home from the airport in Penang, I saw all the run-down housing. Run-down and a pitiful sight to me, but yet those residents survive and live with content. Such a sight is non-existent in New Zealand, being a welfare state, so too, the immense amount of disabled and homeless beggars. I really pitied them knowing what a much better life they would have had they been in a welfare state.
The roads back here are always congested. I have only plucked up the courage to drive twice since coming back. Those times were supposedly the non-busy periods, yet cars and motorbikes just come out of nowhere into your lane and the roads seem to always be jammed! It’s crazy! Everyone double parks or sometimes, triple parks. A two-way street somehow becomes one-way when some idiot decides to drive on the other side of the road, forcing the oncoming car to stop and give way. Meanwhile a jam starts building up because of that. Or else, two lanes somehow become three or four in their fight to get ahead. Motorbikes squeeze through without considering that it may damage vehicles they pass. All this makes you think that it would be ideal to have a small car for parking and squeezing in-between heavy traffic. Meanwhile, you must remember that you will subject to being bullied by the bigger cars. Either way, you’re in a lose-lose situation.
Enough about that. So what new experiences have I had? I’ve been to a car auction on the mainland of Penang, Butterworth. Took the ferry which I hadn’t been on for a number of years now. Yes, we have a ferry to take us over to the mainland so even if you decide to bomb the bridge, there are other ways to connect to the rest of Malaysia on top of the fact that the airport is located on the island! So, BLEHHH!! Anyway, the auction process is similar to that of New Zealand except that it’s far hotter and the auctioneer talks at a much faster rate! Just imagine, within 2 hours, he must auction hundreds of cars! The speed of his speech is fascinating.
What else? I was given the opportunity to witness for myself the “real” karaoke in Kuching, the one that involves girls – those from Philipines and China, when Tim’s cousin from UK up for something new being only in town for just one night. I found it highly entertaining, especially to see the nervous and anxious expressions on some of the guy’s faces. Haha! The funniest moment? When one of them spilt their drink all over themselves when the girl suddenly placed her hand so high on his lap after only just meeting each other. Hehe! Definitely an unforgettable experience. What more, the rates are quite feasible – only RM70.00 per hour + drinks. Quite affordable eh? (Not that I support such a thing… ) Didn’t dare to take any photos in case it was against the rules but it was definitely a memorable experience. Too bad they didn’t have guys! Haha!! Just kidding~ Going to the night club after was scary as hell! Why? Everyone was all drugged up! It definitely didn’t help when I was told to “stay close”. OMG! Hehe…
New experiences aside, the variety of food back here has been overwhelming as well as a huge problem for me. For those who have seen me in Malaysia, you would have realised how much weight i’ve piled on since leaving New Zealand, in fact, since I stopped studying. Unfortunately, over-eating and no exercise does that to a person. *SiGh* I won’t be insensitive and list down all the food i’ve eaten so far but here’s a photo dedicated to Cheong. It’s the only revenge I could get for you which Hock was willing to do. I believe it’s kolomee instead of kampua mee. Haha!
Oh, and i’ve discovered a new vegetable that can compete with “eng chai” (in my books anyway) and that’s “midin”. Is that how you spell it? I’m not sure. Was told that it’s a fern found in the jungles of Sarawak. So yummy! I even took a photo of it… *sLuRp*! As far as I know, it’s not available in Penang. *sNiFF*!
While i’m at it, I may as well tell you all about my trip to Kuching. Hehe… Didn’t visit any of the touristy places – will leave that to the next trip, if there is another one. I’m sure there will be – still waiting for my free ticket from someone! *aHeM*! Anyway, I was part of the historical maiden direct flight from Penang to Kuching on Air Asia. There was a big hoo-haa about it, including the lion dance, etc. For once, Air Asia provided us with FREE food at the VIP room before boarding the flight. There were reporters from different newspapers but I didn’t find myself in any of them, then again, I didn’t really bother looking. Haha! Anyway, on arrival in Kuching, another big hoo-haa with the indigenous people giving us beads and making a heck of noise to welcome us to Kuching. Yeah… ok, all these formalities are just overboard. So there I was, after years of saying that i’ll make a trip to Kuching someday, I finally made it! I couldn’t believe it myself! Dropped off my bags at Sophia’s house then went to Happy Valley to meet up with the boys who had already started drinking. Even though it was so late, the heat was still apparent and the mosquitoes were ever ready to suck my blood. Grr!! It didn’t help that I was wearing black either. *fAiNt*!
The following day, went to the main shopping malls in Kuching where our shopping trip was rather non-productive and Sophia ended up buying more than me for once. Hehe! This was the day when everything seemed to be wrong – my top split open, and then my shoe broke during the get together with the usual gang for dinner with Mark, Yang, Hock, Esther and Sophia at Hilton which was when I was introduced to “midin”, followed by karaoke – the normal style. The place was rather posh for us rowdy bunch. I wouldn’t have been surprised if they actually kicked us out for the amount of noise we were making. Perhaps we should have gone to the seafood restaurant instead? Stupid Hock got allergy to seafood. Should have left him at home. Keke!! J/K~!! So yeah, went shoe shopping to replace the broken pair before heading over to Xanadu. As us girls returned to the girl, a cheeky old man decided to show his manhood. Bloody guy! I should have taken a photo of him but I was so shocked and disgusted at the same time. Stupid...
Hock made the biggest mistake following Sophia and I out shopping the next day. I think it’s better than sitting at home and going online or playing PS2. Then again, i’m not a guy. Hehe. After that, met up with Roger, Righteous and Sophia at Havana then proceeded to Soho to meet up with the rest of the Christchurch gang. Unfortunately Sophia and I had to leave when the night was still young so we don’t know what drama occurred after we left! Hehe.
Had a rather quiet day the next day except for more shopping, breakfast and dinner with Sophia’s family. Moved over to Hock’s house to allow Sophia time with her family at home. Went out with Ellen and Justin to Oregano to meet up with their friends, including Geoffrey and Merlye. Was attacked by mosquitoes the whole night! Ah!! Really wished I smoked at that time, so the mozzies would either die or avoid me. Grr!! I hate mozziesssssss!! Don’t know why I didn’t take any photos until we went for supper at 3rd mile.
Sophia and I went for our hair appointment the next day. Hock decided to follow us. He still didn’t learn his lesson from a couple days back, or maybe he was simply too bored. Haha!! Anyway, I had intended to straighten my hair but was told that my hair is too layered and it’d be a waste of money! Also, my hair is straight enough. *sNiFF*! But I want it straighter!! Grrr!! Since I was already there, I decided to dye my hair. Wah! Took so damn long! I think we were there for 3 hours or so. OMG! *fAiNt*! Poor Hock. Haha!! So yeah, that’s when I lost my natural dark brown hair. What do you think? Something different eh? As some have commented, i’m exploring the wild side of me. Wild side? Nah… Just wanting a change~ Hah!
Spent my last night walking down to the waterfront with Hock, Yang, Ellen & Justin. How romantic! Er... *PuKe*! Yeah, we took some photos. Catch a glimpse here:

Few days later, celebrated Chinese New Year with my family but had to make an unexpected trip to Sitiawan, Perak when my Uncle’s car (a Mercedes of all things) suddenly couldn’t start. So four of us went into Sitiawan using my Aunty’s car. On the way, the aircon compressor suddenly jammed and we had to pull into a petrol station (luckily located nearby). Was told that it’s safe to continue driving (although without power steering). Eventually because of the festive season, ended up staying in Sitiawan for 3 nights before the car could be fixed. Haha… After several trips back and forth to Penang and Sitiawan, we now have a Kelisa to use (so cute!), my Aunty’s car is back here all repaired, and the Mercedes was repaired just yesterday. What was wrong with the damn car? The computer broke down. Hah! Expensive car… Modern technology… But once the computer becomes cacat, you’re screwed! It’s not surprised that the car is now up for sale! Haha!! OMG! So drama! Thank goodness my Uncle has a car yard, otherwise it would have been even more troublesome!
As you would have guessed, the trip to Sitiawan wasn’t very relaxing at all. But check out these photos:
The above photos are of birds’ nests – some made in between branches of plants, some so clever as to sew two leaves together, some created on just a hanging wire, and some on clothes hangers! That’s truly the beauty of nature. Only two nests were being used at the time the photos were taken, the one on the clothes hanger and the one hanging from the wire. Since then, the eggs have hatched and the nests now house the young! :)

Surprisingly, everything seems to be able to be sold in Malaysia! Plastic, polystyrene, glass, newspapers, don’t know what else. Haha! Wanted to take a photo of the recycling shop but forgot. I’d hate to live in a place like that – literally full of rubbish! It’s like, 3c per kg for glass, 30c per kg for paper I think? Don’t know about the rest. Wasn’t paying attention. So funny…
Oh yeah, one more difference is the depth of everyone’s Hokkien! It’s takes me so long to process what they’re saying. I can understand and speak the simple stuff but i’ve never heard some words in my life! I think the people must think i’m so stupid! They probably charge me the maximum rate cuz they think i’m a foreigner! Duh…
I find myself stuck at home most of the time helping to look after my Grandpa who’s rather frail now, nearing 90 years old. It’s funny how we begin life as a child, and when we’re old, we revert back to having a childlike nature – unable to decide for ourselves what’s best and being dependent on those around us. I haven’t started shopping in Penang yet. Been getting a headache for the past couple of days. Getting quite bored staying at home yet I can’t really go out either cuz of the heat.
Anyway, this is like the longest post ever! That’s to compensate for the lack of updates! Hehe. Would just like to end by wishing everyone:
Happy Chap Goh Meh!!
WY, at Monday, March 26, 2007 6:25:00 pm
Kam: Hehe!! Soon soon... A bit busy at the moment.
Mabel Tan, at Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:03:00 am
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