Halloween special
Our halloween spirit started off when the four team members of "beautiful girls" decided to be colour coordinated - Hock & Cin wearing yellow, Mark & I wearing red puma t-shirts. It might have been a mistake that ended up almost causing us to lose because Mark confessed after the games that he found it rather distracting. How you doing?! (Joey style) Anyway, i've vowed never to wear that shirt again! Bad karma~ :P
In the car on the way to badminton, some bright spark had an idea to bring out the Halloween spirit in everyone and pay our friends a visit later that night armed with water guns. We had it all planned out. It was brilliant! So after eating supper, our preparation began... first to Mark's house to get the water guns and fill it up with water. We even had a decoy using a water sprayer thingee. Once all 5 of us gathered (Ronald, Mark, Hock, Cin & I), we were off!
First stop... Yang's house. The plan... Cin (holding the water sprayer) and I (holding the camera) would knock on his front door until he opened. *kNoCk* *kNoCk*! Took him sometime to open the door. I wonder what he was doing... HMMM!! Even heard him zip up his jacket. Maybe he was naked inside? Haha! OMG! I really don't want to imagine. Anyway, once he opened we asked him "trick or treat"... Obviously none of our friends would have candy to offer us so the clear choice would be "trick". He played right into our game! Trick huh? Cin brought out the water sprayer and sprayed a bit of water in his face. He thought that was all but no! While she sprayed, I manoeuvred myself to stand infront of his door, Hock and Mark came out from behind us spraying water at Yang until he ran to the back of his house to get his garden hose. Once we caught on, we all ran away out of reach of the hose. Mark was quite smart though, hiding infront of his door so that when Yang came out and tried to retreat into his house, he ran straight into Mark's firing range! Haha! Classic moment... He finally managed to make his way into the house and locked us out. We surrendered and knocked on his door to be asked "have you guys calmed down yet?"! Haha... funny stuff... Hence, "shock and awe"! :þ~
By the time we left Yang's house it was 11:30pm... Halloween was almost over! So we decided to squeeze in a second stop which would end up being our last. Who else but Tzin Wei! It was quite hard to get him cuz he was at another friend's house and thought there was something urgent. When he called me, I told him that there was a problem and that I needed to tell him face to face. We arranged to meet at his house. I felt so bad lying to him... I think he'll never trust me again! Haha! But... *DeNg* *DeNg*! Victim in place! Haha!!
On the way to his house, we discussed how to lure him out of the house. I wanted to act all pitiful and sit down on his porch until he came out and asked me what's wrong which would be the perfect time to shoot him, but our plans went down the drain because as we approached his house we realised that he was waiting outside! He could see all of us in Ronald's car! After that, he came to meet us all on the street but we didn't care, shoot nia!! Haha! I felt like a little kid again... playing out on the road in the middle of the night! Awesome time~ Until he too, went for his garden hose to which we all ran like hell (again)! Great minds think alike huh? :þ~
Unknown to me, while I was inside Tzin Wei's house taking the above photo, the others were planning their attack on who would become victim #3. Yes, that would be me... "the mastermind became the victim"! Grr! Ronald, who pushed me outside, also held me while Mark and Hock water bombed me. I refused to go down alone so I backed him into the corner and bent down so that he too would be in the line of fire! MuaHaHaHaHa~!! Smart thinking eh? Only not smart enough... The surprise was when Tzin Wei finally opened the front door, stood there holding a bucket full of water with a huge grin on his face and threw it all over me. Good one guys!
Honestly, I haven't had this much fun in ages! Just simple fun, you know? Good memories... and i'd like to think that this is probably the start of more to come... I can see it... It's going to be like the old days but even better! :)
In the car on the way to badminton, some bright spark had an idea to bring out the Halloween spirit in everyone and pay our friends a visit later that night armed with water guns. We had it all planned out. It was brilliant! So after eating supper, our preparation began... first to Mark's house to get the water guns and fill it up with water. We even had a decoy using a water sprayer thingee. Once all 5 of us gathered (Ronald, Mark, Hock, Cin & I), we were off!
By the time we left Yang's house it was 11:30pm... Halloween was almost over! So we decided to squeeze in a second stop which would end up being our last. Who else but Tzin Wei! It was quite hard to get him cuz he was at another friend's house and thought there was something urgent. When he called me, I told him that there was a problem and that I needed to tell him face to face. We arranged to meet at his house. I felt so bad lying to him... I think he'll never trust me again! Haha! But... *DeNg* *DeNg*! Victim in place! Haha!!
Unknown to me, while I was inside Tzin Wei's house taking the above photo, the others were planning their attack on who would become victim #3. Yes, that would be me... "the mastermind became the victim"! Grr! Ronald, who pushed me outside, also held me while Mark and Hock water bombed me. I refused to go down alone so I backed him into the corner and bent down so that he too would be in the line of fire! MuaHaHaHaHa~!! Smart thinking eh? Only not smart enough... The surprise was when Tzin Wei finally opened the front door, stood there holding a bucket full of water with a huge grin on his face and threw it all over me. Good one guys!
Honestly, I haven't had this much fun in ages! Just simple fun, you know? Good memories... and i'd like to think that this is probably the start of more to come... I can see it... It's going to be like the old days but even better! :)
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