Life through my eyes...

Friday, January 04, 2008

End of 2007...

So it was that time of the year again... when people dress up in ridiculously heavy black gowns, accompanied with an ugly, uncomfortable, square hat in the attempt to look smart, dignified, and deserving of their hard-earned degree... Yes, I mean graduation!

Congratulations to the graduates of 2007!

I only made it to the second day of graduation so the following photos are mostly of the engineering graduates... and then some. :)



and then some...

Group photos!!

Graduation celebrations extended into the wee hours of the morning, starting off when we attended Tung's graduation dinner at Joyful Restaurant where we consumed a considerable amount of food, followed by the usual karaoke that spanned from JJ's to Christchurch Idol. Then a few of us went to somewhere that we hadn't been to for sometime... Coyote! Now that was a shocker! What was even more surprising was that it was Jin's idea. *sHoCkEd*! Oh, and if you're surprised that we didn't go to Boys & Girls for karaoke, I did... the following day. *fAiNt*!

Christmas this year was celebrated with a BBQ lunch at Ronald's house, despite his absence. We had quite a selection of food which I believe stretched until dinner and supper. I must mention the turkey that Andrew brought over. That was one big bird! Quite a waste really cuz we didn't actually get stuck into it until supper where we just made turkey sandwiches. Haha! I didn't really stay too long at Ronald's house although I did return to play poker later that night. No photos either... Wasn't in the photo taking mood and no one else brought their camera. Shame really...

On a more serious note, I had been contemplating for sometime now about whether to return back to Malaysia for a holiday before starting work. My initial plan was to head back straight after I had confirmed a job for 2008 but being as late in the year as it was, I was suddenly faced with a short time frame and huge costs which had me wondering whether it was all worth it. Having had the dilemma since securing the job in mid-December, I had been working in the garden (getting severely sunburnt in doing so despite my efforts to cover up!!) and tidying up the house in anticipation of my trip. So I guess you could say that I had been subconsciously preparing to leave.

After visiting a number of travel agencies on two consecutive days literally just before Christmas (not the best time to make last minute bookings), I was rather disappointed when they quoted me extremely high prices. Eventually, I booked my ticket online (which I think is always the cheaper option although it still cost me a bomb!). Very last minute but I booked the earliest flight... 30th December. Not ideal but it was the best I could do.

Leading up to my departure, it was quite a busy time getting everything sorted out and last minute shopping. Managed to drop by the BBQ at Bernald's house... Yes, summer means BBQs... a lot of them! Rather unhealthy actually. Haha! That night, we went to Lonestar for Tung's birthday. My meal ended up being the best but it was way too much so ended up giving half of it away to everyone else (like you would with most Lonestar dishes). Will definitely order that again next time. *YuM*!

My dinner... PRAWNS!! :)

Group picture attempt #1: Taken by waitress...
(Note: no birthday boy)

Group picture attempt #2: Taken by customer...
(Note: half of Ben's face chopped off)

Group picture attempt #3: Taken by passer-by...

Cake cutting...
(obviously not at Lonestar)

Of course, we went to Boys & Girls for karaoke where the birthday boy got seriously drunk. (Unfortunately, no evidence!!) That's for drinking so many bottles in such little time. Stupid... That night, I felt what it's like to be Jin whenever we go out drinking. It's no fun when you're sober and everyone is pissed! Haha! I should have drunk as well but just didn't feel like it that night. Not sure why... Damn~

I spent the following day with this guy...

Tim Chuang! My high school mate that I hadn't seen for 5 years! Neither of us changed really except both of us put on more weight and I guess perhaps slightly more mature? That's what we hope anyway. It was an interesting day. Had lots of catching up to do but yeah, reminded me of high school. Great times~

The night before I flew off was also Tung's last night in Christchurch. A few of us gathered at Crowne Plaza where we had a farewell coffee session for him who was leaving us for Perth. Ended up not really being a farewell night cuz they organised a dim sum luncheon farewell for which I wouldn't be around to attend the following day! Damn you guys! Haha! Not sure how that went but i'm sure it wouldn't have been the same without me, right?? Hehe...

Andrew, Aliff, Tung, Me, Jin, Ben, Justin, Ellen, Freddie, Tzin Wei & Liz

Then it was the 30th... the day of my flight. What a dramatic day that was. Checked in all ready to go... Went to have coffee at Morrisons on Merrin with Jin and Tzin Wei. Not sure what made me check my boarding pass but I noticed that it had a different name on it. Panicked and rushed back to the airport. Stupid!

Something totally random to mention... It was the first time I flew on an international flight by myself at 23 years old. Weird huh? I've always travelled with my Mum. Haha! Mummy's girl. To be honest, it wasn't all that scary either. Perhaps it's because my brain was occupied the whole time with many thoughts running to my mind. In a way I was sad to leave... I always feel sad when I have to leave a place but at the same time, I was glad that I left when I did... Enough said.


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