What was...
I didn't quite notice what a drastic change this blog has taken over the past couple of years until I decided to read some of my earlier posts. What used to contain philosophical writings has now become just a journal about events in my life. I guess days began to be too short for me to have time to analyse everything. I won't say that I am any less busy than I used to be either so I can't guarantee in which direction my blog will take from here. To a certain extent, I suppose I don't really care. It may sound arrogant but afterall, this is my virtual space!
To pick up from where I left off the last time, let me recall the events that happened since my last post, to bring you all up to date.
May was a tough time for me with so many unknowns. Among the many unsettling questions was the question of whether I should stay in Christchurch or not. As yet, I have decided to try looking for a job here first. If I do not succeed, I suppose I will look to Auckland. Maybe. I don't know. Which also answered another question as to whether I should continue studying or enter the work force. I suppose it would be best for me to start earning money, eh? Haha! Especially with my spending habits. Those two questions were probably the most important questions that I returned to New Zealand with, unanswered. What's worse is that it took me until June to figure it out. No doubt, not everything is settled nor will they ever be but I guess slowly... i'm finding my purpose in life.
Due to a family emergency, my Mum left for Malaysia just before Mother's Day. Until now, I don't know whether I should have gone with her - it's durian season back there now, isn't it?! If I had gone back in mid-May, I would have just arrived back in Christchurch around this time, only to suffer the freezing cold winter. *sHiVeR*! So cold! Anyway, things seem to be looking up. Grandpa's condition is stable and he still has the will to live so hopefully i'll get to see him the next time I go back. Not sure when that will be though. Maybe at the end of this year or around March/April next year. Can't wait! Haha.
With my Mum leaving for Malaysia, dinner parties were inevitable. We had a few and then they fizzled out after a while. It was suppose to be a learning curve for the small group of us but it ended up with only Mark and I doing the cooking so that defeated the whole purpose of the exercise! The highlight of it all was when Cheong was so desperate to have a taste of durian again, he purchased a frozen one from the shops and expected to eat it that night. Well, he ate it all right. After they clevered through it and left it looking munted, microwaved all the meat that they could possibly wrench out of the poor thing, and then literally had their own "Fear Factor" - Mark and Cheong style to finish the cooked fruit! I'll upload the video soon but due to my internet connection, this is not possible at this time. Instead, here are a few photos from that night:

Near the end of May, went to Tutto Bene for Kevin Ting's farewell dinner with my accounting ex-coursemates from Burnside High School and University of Canterbury before adjourning to Coffee Culture for some dessert. It was nice to catch up with them again and finding out what working life is all about. Without revealing where Chase and Craig work, found out that it's always good to work for the government - exceptional pay, extended lunch hours, multiple breaks, out station travels. It's awesome, eh boys?! Haha! How I envy both of you! Maybe i'll join you guys soon! Hehe!
June brought on Gawai! What an interesting evening that was! We created a game involving individuals writing down an adjective and a body part on a piece of paper that would be scrunched up and placed into a bucket and randomly selected by each player. As it was a newly invented game, the rules were rather ambiguous so it was all made up along the way. Now that's what you call "go with the flow"! Haha! I can't really remember what the directions were but as the night progressed, the content of the directions seemed to have more of a sexual context to it. You'll see what I mean...

Then one fine day while we were eating lunch at KFC, we found ourselves in a moral dilemma. There really shouldn't have been any question about what we should do but I guess we were being @$$4035! Haha! So we were enjoying our lunch and as we looked out the window, an Indian woman with an 'L' plate stuck on the car window decided to park right in the middle of the entrance/exit to KFC! We were all shocked and contemplating whether we should inform her that she had parked in an illegal (non) parking lot. If it had been anyone else, i'm pretty sure there would have been no doubt in their minds... but this was us! Haha!! You could say, we tried to
signal her ignorance (to no avail). So she walked off hesitantly. Being lunch hour and KFC being a fast food restaurant, cars had to manoeuvre their way around this vehicle they left them dumbfounded which was entertaining for viewers in the restaurant, like us! :P The more exciting part was when the huge Tegel truck that drove into the carpark to unload chicken at KFC wanted to leave the premises! The supervisor was outside circulating the car and wondering about the whereabouts of the driver of the car until she saw us laughing through the window. By this time, I believe that everyone in the restaurant was laughing. As
we watched on, the supervisor approached us for information to which we answered honestly (See, we're not THAT bad!). On returning, the car driver was most likely told off, the Tegel truck managed to leave and the driveway entering and leaving KFC was cleared again. That was the end of our lunch drama. Hehe!
There is a video showcasing this drama but unfortunately I am unable to upload it onto YouTube at this present time. Please check back later!
And then there were birthday celebrations!
Nearing the end of term, Ben Yong's birthday was firstly celebrated with supper just after midnight at 'Denny's'. Off-topic, have you ever ordered pork steak and been asked how you would like your steak done? Yes, you read right... PORK steak! Courtesy of Tung, we found out that an Indian lady waitressing at 'Denny's' will ask you how you would like your pork cooked... rare? medium? well-done? ... Seriously?! It's PORK!! There is no other way to cook it. If you point out her mistake, she tells you that it's a "steak" so you have those options! Lady... *fAiNt*! What are we going to do with these people? I don't have a video of it as I was trying my best not to crack out laughing but if you don't believe me, go test it out! Back to the topic at hand, a small celebration for Ben's birthday as well as Yang's bon voyage was held at Doris' house during that weekend. Pictures are below:

Then there was Bernald and Chong's birthday celebration the weekend after held at the sushi place at Church Corner. We had the whole sushi train to ourselves and it was meant to be buffet. Dinner started at 7:00pm, there were 13 of us (mostly guys) but the cooks stopped making sushi at around 8:30pm and started dishing out biscuits and dessert instead! We didn't quite pick up on the hint until around 15 minutes later when the cooks packed everything up and started cleaning the tables instead of feeding us. So that was the end of the dinner... most of us still slightly hungry... some of whom turned up late and only had a bit to eat but had to pay the same price. Stupid sushi people!

Anyway, later on that night I joined the usual gang to play pool at 'Shooters'.

Ended up being an unofficial birthday celebration for Seng that took us to 'Boys & Girls' for some karaoke! We hadn't been karaoke-ing since when I left Christchurch for my vacation in Malaysia so it was something different again compared to summer. Didn't take us long to pick up from where we left off...

... and yes, by the end of the night, I was wasted! Too much, too fast, gets you that way! Hehe! But I still look sober right? MuaHaHaHaHa~!! Just a little red on the cheeks! :P

Seng's official birthday celebration was on the next day starting with dinner - steamboat at his house. I only found out yesterday that his parents flew into New Zealand especially for his birthday. So spoilt! Group photo time...

Went to 'Boys & Girls' for more karaoke again. This time I decided to go slow on the alcohol. Hehe! So yeah, I returned home very much sober! :)

Thought I saw a ghost when John Wong walked in. Haha! Welcome back, even though it's only for a month! :P
The following week, we celebrated Cheong's birthday with a dinner at A Roy Thai, followed by karaoke (AGAIN!).

To pick up from where I left off the last time, let me recall the events that happened since my last post, to bring you all up to date.
May was a tough time for me with so many unknowns. Among the many unsettling questions was the question of whether I should stay in Christchurch or not. As yet, I have decided to try looking for a job here first. If I do not succeed, I suppose I will look to Auckland. Maybe. I don't know. Which also answered another question as to whether I should continue studying or enter the work force. I suppose it would be best for me to start earning money, eh? Haha! Especially with my spending habits. Those two questions were probably the most important questions that I returned to New Zealand with, unanswered. What's worse is that it took me until June to figure it out. No doubt, not everything is settled nor will they ever be but I guess slowly... i'm finding my purpose in life.

With my Mum leaving for Malaysia, dinner parties were inevitable. We had a few and then they fizzled out after a while. It was suppose to be a learning curve for the small group of us but it ended up with only Mark and I doing the cooking so that defeated the whole purpose of the exercise! The highlight of it all was when Cheong was so desperate to have a taste of durian again, he purchased a frozen one from the shops and expected to eat it that night. Well, he ate it all right. After they clevered through it and left it looking munted, microwaved all the meat that they could possibly wrench out of the poor thing, and then literally had their own "Fear Factor" - Mark and Cheong style to finish the cooked fruit! I'll upload the video soon but due to my internet connection, this is not possible at this time. Instead, here are a few photos from that night:

June brought on Gawai! What an interesting evening that was! We created a game involving individuals writing down an adjective and a body part on a piece of paper that would be scrunched up and placed into a bucket and randomly selected by each player. As it was a newly invented game, the rules were rather ambiguous so it was all made up along the way. Now that's what you call "go with the flow"! Haha! I can't really remember what the directions were but as the night progressed, the content of the directions seemed to have more of a sexual context to it. You'll see what I mean...

There is a video showcasing this drama but unfortunately I am unable to upload it onto YouTube at this present time. Please check back later!
And then there were birthday celebrations!
Nearing the end of term, Ben Yong's birthday was firstly celebrated with supper just after midnight at 'Denny's'. Off-topic, have you ever ordered pork steak and been asked how you would like your steak done? Yes, you read right... PORK steak! Courtesy of Tung, we found out that an Indian lady waitressing at 'Denny's' will ask you how you would like your pork cooked... rare? medium? well-done? ... Seriously?! It's PORK!! There is no other way to cook it. If you point out her mistake, she tells you that it's a "steak" so you have those options! Lady... *fAiNt*! What are we going to do with these people? I don't have a video of it as I was trying my best not to crack out laughing but if you don't believe me, go test it out! Back to the topic at hand, a small celebration for Ben's birthday as well as Yang's bon voyage was held at Doris' house during that weekend. Pictures are below:

Then there was Bernald and Chong's birthday celebration the weekend after held at the sushi place at Church Corner. We had the whole sushi train to ourselves and it was meant to be buffet. Dinner started at 7:00pm, there were 13 of us (mostly guys) but the cooks stopped making sushi at around 8:30pm and started dishing out biscuits and dessert instead! We didn't quite pick up on the hint until around 15 minutes later when the cooks packed everything up and started cleaning the tables instead of feeding us. So that was the end of the dinner... most of us still slightly hungry... some of whom turned up late and only had a bit to eat but had to pay the same price. Stupid sushi people!

Anyway, later on that night I joined the usual gang to play pool at 'Shooters'.

Ended up being an unofficial birthday celebration for Seng that took us to 'Boys & Girls' for some karaoke! We hadn't been karaoke-ing since when I left Christchurch for my vacation in Malaysia so it was something different again compared to summer. Didn't take us long to pick up from where we left off...

... and yes, by the end of the night, I was wasted! Too much, too fast, gets you that way! Hehe! But I still look sober right? MuaHaHaHaHa~!! Just a little red on the cheeks! :P

Seng's official birthday celebration was on the next day starting with dinner - steamboat at his house. I only found out yesterday that his parents flew into New Zealand especially for his birthday. So spoilt! Group photo time...

Went to 'Boys & Girls' for more karaoke again. This time I decided to go slow on the alcohol. Hehe! So yeah, I returned home very much sober! :)

Thought I saw a ghost when John Wong walked in. Haha! Welcome back, even though it's only for a month! :P
The following week, we celebrated Cheong's birthday with a dinner at A Roy Thai, followed by karaoke (AGAIN!).
Cheong blowing the lighter out 24 times!!
The diners having scarf night!
Went to 'Christchurch Idol' instead and caught some gay action. There was a guy twirling another guy's hair. Seriously... so gay! Felt so awkward being in the same room. Anyway, there was no vacant room so we went to La Plonk as we thought of having some wine while waiting for a room to free up. Unfortunately La Plonk was full as well so we all stood outside for a while. Some idiotic white guy (not sure if he's kiwi) decided to ram into Freddie. Not very smart considering how many people we had with us. What more, he was antagonising us! Luckily his friend was smarter and kept pushing him to walk away. IDIOT!
Anyway, after an hour of karaoke, most of the group decided to go home except for four of us - Seng, Cheong, Jenn & I who went to 'Boys & Girls' to continue karaoke-ing! It was so fun! We could sing whatever songs we wanted which ended up being very girly songs. I sang until I had a headache and the night ended at 4:30am! Haha! 4 hours of singing with just the 4 of us! Awesome!
EMObel @ 4:00am!
Just when I thought all the drama for the night was over... we found a chicken on top of Cheong's car! A LIVE chicken!! The poor chicken must have been stuck on top of the car for quite sometime as it had frost on its feathers! Poor thing!! We had no idea where it came from, or what it was doing there except that it probably thought that was the safest place to be but it was literally freezing! After lifting it from off the bonnet of Cheong's car, we placed it down on the ground. Not sure whether that was a good idea or not as it could have been run over... Hmmm... I wonder where the chicken is now?
With June almost over, it's almost time for Bersatu! I believe many of the participants from the other contingents have already arrived in Christchurch and are looking forward to the event. Hopefully the weather will be kind, everyone's spirits will be high, and everyone will enjoy themselves! Look out for my next update! It won't be too far away... I promise! :)
Psst... Check out the Photo Archive! It has been updated!!
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