The weekend of celebrations~!
Had a triple birthday celebration dinner on Saturday night at Portofino restaurant for Gerald, Jin & Mark! Nice Italian restaurant. Probably more for the romantics though with the dim lighting and all. The 18 of us were split into 2 tables alongside each other right at the back of the restaurant. It was ideal though as we were placed away from all the couple-ish tables. Hehe!
But then he continues to sleep some more...

Before dinner... *StoMaChs gRoWLiNg*
The specially designed birthday cake for the 3 special guys...
22 year old Yang with his passion for the guitar and musical talents
27 year old Markie with his love for Japanese drama and Horikita Maki
28 year old Jin who is King of the Poker Table at his 1st home - Christchurch Casino
The *boys* cutting the cake on the cleavage - cheap thrills!
Me and the birthday guys...
Group photos...
At 10:00pm, most of us headed over to Boys & Girls for karaoke! I guess we didn't expect to have such a good night but it turned out to be awesome! Hopefully you all find it just as entertaining from the photos. The highlight of the night: Jin being drunk! Keke!
The couples... Awww~ How sweet...
Random photos... when Jin is still sober though you wouldn't think so...
... and then it's time to bully the drunkard!
OMG! Bondage~!!
... The gay kissing begins. Seriously gay guys...
Tzin Wei being an ass~ Haha!
Group photo of those remaining~
Best time to bully Jin~
Lip gloss? Haha!!
*PoKe* *PoKe*
Sock on...
Sock off... Ah Hah!
But then he continues to sleep some more...
He wakes up to be an ass... but payback's a b*tch, right?! :P
Haha... Kolien~
The following day, accidentally slept in so didn't make it to the airport to bid Kenneth farewell. However, i'll probably see him in Penang sometime when I go back anyway. Hehe! I doubt he visits my blog, but if you do read this... "I'm so sorry for not going to the airport, Smelly~ Catch up sometime in Penang!" Hehe! Hmmm... Trying to find a photo of Kenneth and I but the only one I can find is this photo which was taken at the UCBC Dance Party @ Coyotes in 2003! Wah lau! Haha!
Farewell Smelly~
When I finally woke up later that day, I went to support the Ligers soccer team at Avonhead Park. It was once again, a good match and ended with their first clean sheet of the season - 4:0! Well done Ligers~!! That keeps them in contention for winning their division~ Keep it up! Didn't take any photos of the game cuz I was so freaking cold except for this one right at the end... Hehe! I thought it was cute... :)
Azmir & Hock taking down the net... Now this is what you call team work~ :P
I'm still in the process of uploading videos onto YouTube. With my internet connection as it is, it may take me sometime. Haha! In the meantime, if you want a laugh... Check out this video:
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