Recent events have caused me to wonder of the definition of a true friendship. Some people yearn for a multitude of friends while others only accept a few. Some choose not to distinguish between friendship and acquaintances.
I have my personal views, but I believe that the following famous quote sums it up the best:
"Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends."
Think about it and then ask yourself, where have you been when your "friend" needed you the most? Do you even deserve to be called their "friend"? If they died tomorrow, would you have any regrets?
What's the point of having so many friends when in times of need, they're no where to be seen. After everything that has happened, I expected you to be there. You may not have understood what was going on, but you could have at least showed you cared.
Where were you? Did I mean so little to you that you left me out in the cold to fend for myself? What kind of person are you to turn your back on me? Am I just another human being to you? I'll answer that. You're heartless and uncaring. So everyone else who thinks otherwise of you are FOOLS! God... Stop lying to me... Worse still, stop lying to yourself!
You know who you are. I know you read my blog. You're no friend of mine. Maybe you were once, but you're not now. You haven't earned the honour of calling yourself that. Do I hate you? Right now, very much so. You managed to steer it in that direction. You have no one else to thank, but yourself. Congratulations.
I have my personal views, but I believe that the following famous quote sums it up the best:
"Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends."
Think about it and then ask yourself, where have you been when your "friend" needed you the most? Do you even deserve to be called their "friend"? If they died tomorrow, would you have any regrets?
What's the point of having so many friends when in times of need, they're no where to be seen. After everything that has happened, I expected you to be there. You may not have understood what was going on, but you could have at least showed you cared.
Where were you? Did I mean so little to you that you left me out in the cold to fend for myself? What kind of person are you to turn your back on me? Am I just another human being to you? I'll answer that. You're heartless and uncaring. So everyone else who thinks otherwise of you are FOOLS! God... Stop lying to me... Worse still, stop lying to yourself!
You know who you are. I know you read my blog. You're no friend of mine. Maybe you were once, but you're not now. You haven't earned the honour of calling yourself that. Do I hate you? Right now, very much so. You managed to steer it in that direction. You have no one else to thank, but yourself. Congratulations.
i relegate myself to an acquintance now that i don't see you aruond
cheer up mabel. i don't know what's the issue, but i always believe that once a friend, always a friend. friendship is something temporal though. people can't be the best friend all the time, and because their life style change, their availability change too.
you ll still have a lot of ppl who care abou you.
WY, at Thursday, November 23, 2006 4:55:00 pm
Kam: Thanks for the words of wisdom~ Hope to catch up with you sometime yea? Anyway, enjoy the summer. Weather's awesome these days! :)
Mabel Tan, at Friday, November 24, 2006 4:51:00 pm
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