Little little things...
I've actually got quite a lot to say. Just little little things though. Keke... Written in the most casual way possible. Haha!!
Firstly, don't kill me Arina! I'm sorry I missed the raya open house on Sunday! I know you read my blog from time to time... MuaHaHaHaHa~!! I was studying for my exam... I heard it was good though? Any photos? *Runs and hides*! :þ~
Secondly, I missed the fireworks on Sunday!! *cRiEs*!! OK. I expected to miss it but I can still complain about missing it! I was so sad that I kept looking at the clock to when it hit 9:30pm... then I heard *bOoM* *bOoM* *bOoM*, ran outside... to not be able to see anything! Ah! Why can't I live near the beach? Hehe... :( So did anyone take photos? Did anyone even go to the Guy Fawke's event? OMG! I'm guessing not... Stupid exams... GRR!!
Thirdly, hate you guys for not inviting me to play fireworks on Sunday night! Don't listen to the stupid person who told you I was busy... which I was but... it's fireworks!! It can never beat the fireworks display la... but... F-I-R-E-W-O-R-K-S! :( To whoever organised it, I hope you die!! It's just a 20c text!! Argh! (I'm kidding about the dying part btw! Hehe!)
Fourthly, had my 4th exam yesterday. Yay! 1 more to go... Just 1 more... Hang in there Mabel. Yes, I like to do this thing where I refer to myself in the third person. SO BITE ME! Hmph! Looking forward to Friday... Then i'll be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! What will I be? FREEEEEEEEEEE!! MuaHaHaHaHa~!!
Fifthly, saw a dead bird today near my letter box. It looked peaceful? Mum and I were trying to figure out how it died. I should have taken a photo of it... but I was too tired. Only had 1 1/2 hours of sleep last night. But seriously, don't know how it died. It was lying on its back, facing up - much like how a person is placed in a coffin. Hmmm... It couldn't have been a cat cuz there was no blood or anything... OMG! Was it the fireworks?! Our neighbours were playing with fireworks the whole night... Do you think they shot the bird by accident? Still doesn't explain how it landed so nicely on its back... Such a peaceful face... Hmmm... *Still thinking... still thinking... ah whatever!*
Sixthly, if you've been following my blog, you would have read about how my glasses were broken. Just received the newly made pair in the mail on Saturday from Malaysia. To my horror... can you guess? Take a guess... come on... OK i'll tell you... THEY WERE BROKEN IN THE MAIL! *cRiEs*! Seriously................................ Talk about bad luck. This whole year's been really shit eh?! Had such bad luck this year... Stupid 2006. Can't wait for the new year to kick in. HURRY UP!! 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 ... *DiNg* *DiNg* *DiNg*! WELCOME 2007!! *bOoM* *bOoM* *bOoM*! There's like... 54 days to go or something... Crap~
Seventhly, can't think of anything else but I wanna make it to tenthly. Hmmm... La di da? OooO... just realised how messy my room is, and how dusty it is. Will definitely have a big clean out during the summer. Too many clothes and stuff lying around everywhere. Can't fit anymore cabinets in my room. Oh dear... Maybe i'll just have to give them away? *Looks in shock horror... nOooOOOOoooOOOoooo!!* Hehe. A girl can never have too many clothes boys and girls... The faster you learn that, the easier your life will be. :)
Eighthly, November is the purple month. Why? Cuz I said so. Why? Cuz my calender says so? See! It's purple! :P I love my forever friends calender. I get one every year. Talking about that, I need to get one for next year? OooOOooOO?? Anyway, purple. Wear purple in November people!! Aiyah, whatever. Not like anyone's gonna listen to me anyway. Nice lamp. My forever friends genie lamp... I wish for..................... *PoOf*! Yes that's right, to disappear! :)

Ninethly, on a serious note... Saddam Hussein's been sentenced to death by hanging. What's with the death penalty? Is it right to take a person's life to punish them for taking another person's life? I don't know. It just leads to more killing. Who are we, to say who lives and dies? I'm quite against capital punishment. Then again, I suppose if someone close to me has been murdered, then i'd probably want to see the murderer executed as well? You think? I wonder whether i'd be so vindictive? Keeps you thinking eh... If he appeals the decision and loses, he must be executed within 30 days. Meaning, he'll die even before the new year? Wow! That's really fast... There's a conspiracy about how the judgment was purposely released before the US mid-term elections? Click here if you wanna read more about it.
Tenthly, (Yay! I reached tenthly! Hehe) if you've finished exams, congratulations! Enjoy the summer! Christchurch will be pretty deserted over the summer I believe, quite a few people are going home, or at least spending the summer somewhere else... So, just like to wish everyone a great summer. See you all when you get back! :)
That's all from me for now. Time to watch some series. Good night people! :þ~
Firstly, don't kill me Arina! I'm sorry I missed the raya open house on Sunday! I know you read my blog from time to time... MuaHaHaHaHa~!! I was studying for my exam... I heard it was good though? Any photos? *Runs and hides*! :þ~
Secondly, I missed the fireworks on Sunday!! *cRiEs*!! OK. I expected to miss it but I can still complain about missing it! I was so sad that I kept looking at the clock to when it hit 9:30pm... then I heard *bOoM* *bOoM* *bOoM*, ran outside... to not be able to see anything! Ah! Why can't I live near the beach? Hehe... :( So did anyone take photos? Did anyone even go to the Guy Fawke's event? OMG! I'm guessing not... Stupid exams... GRR!!
Thirdly, hate you guys for not inviting me to play fireworks on Sunday night! Don't listen to the stupid person who told you I was busy... which I was but... it's fireworks!! It can never beat the fireworks display la... but... F-I-R-E-W-O-R-K-S! :( To whoever organised it, I hope you die!! It's just a 20c text!! Argh! (I'm kidding about the dying part btw! Hehe!)
Fourthly, had my 4th exam yesterday. Yay! 1 more to go... Just 1 more... Hang in there Mabel. Yes, I like to do this thing where I refer to myself in the third person. SO BITE ME! Hmph! Looking forward to Friday... Then i'll be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! What will I be? FREEEEEEEEEEE!! MuaHaHaHaHa~!!
Fifthly, saw a dead bird today near my letter box. It looked peaceful? Mum and I were trying to figure out how it died. I should have taken a photo of it... but I was too tired. Only had 1 1/2 hours of sleep last night. But seriously, don't know how it died. It was lying on its back, facing up - much like how a person is placed in a coffin. Hmmm... It couldn't have been a cat cuz there was no blood or anything... OMG! Was it the fireworks?! Our neighbours were playing with fireworks the whole night... Do you think they shot the bird by accident? Still doesn't explain how it landed so nicely on its back... Such a peaceful face... Hmmm... *Still thinking... still thinking... ah whatever!*
Sixthly, if you've been following my blog, you would have read about how my glasses were broken. Just received the newly made pair in the mail on Saturday from Malaysia. To my horror... can you guess? Take a guess... come on... OK i'll tell you... THEY WERE BROKEN IN THE MAIL! *cRiEs*! Seriously................................ Talk about bad luck. This whole year's been really shit eh?! Had such bad luck this year... Stupid 2006. Can't wait for the new year to kick in. HURRY UP!! 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 ... *DiNg* *DiNg* *DiNg*! WELCOME 2007!! *bOoM* *bOoM* *bOoM*! There's like... 54 days to go or something... Crap~
Seventhly, can't think of anything else but I wanna make it to tenthly. Hmmm... La di da? OooO... just realised how messy my room is, and how dusty it is. Will definitely have a big clean out during the summer. Too many clothes and stuff lying around everywhere. Can't fit anymore cabinets in my room. Oh dear... Maybe i'll just have to give them away? *Looks in shock horror... nOooOOOOoooOOOoooo!!* Hehe. A girl can never have too many clothes boys and girls... The faster you learn that, the easier your life will be. :)
Eighthly, November is the purple month. Why? Cuz I said so. Why? Cuz my calender says so? See! It's purple! :P I love my forever friends calender. I get one every year. Talking about that, I need to get one for next year? OooOOooOO?? Anyway, purple. Wear purple in November people!! Aiyah, whatever. Not like anyone's gonna listen to me anyway. Nice lamp. My forever friends genie lamp... I wish for..................... *PoOf*! Yes that's right, to disappear! :)

Ninethly, on a serious note... Saddam Hussein's been sentenced to death by hanging. What's with the death penalty? Is it right to take a person's life to punish them for taking another person's life? I don't know. It just leads to more killing. Who are we, to say who lives and dies? I'm quite against capital punishment. Then again, I suppose if someone close to me has been murdered, then i'd probably want to see the murderer executed as well? You think? I wonder whether i'd be so vindictive? Keeps you thinking eh... If he appeals the decision and loses, he must be executed within 30 days. Meaning, he'll die even before the new year? Wow! That's really fast... There's a conspiracy about how the judgment was purposely released before the US mid-term elections? Click here if you wanna read more about it.
Tenthly, (Yay! I reached tenthly! Hehe) if you've finished exams, congratulations! Enjoy the summer! Christchurch will be pretty deserted over the summer I believe, quite a few people are going home, or at least spending the summer somewhere else... So, just like to wish everyone a great summer. See you all when you get back! :)
That's all from me for now. Time to watch some series. Good night people! :þ~
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