Up 'til April...
First and foremost, i'm back in Christchurch. Most of you should already know that although I still manage to surprise a few when they try to figure out who that strange girl waving to them is. It's me people!! Don't you all recognise me? I know i've put on weight but I couldn't have changed that much right?? *sNiFF* *sNiFF*! Then again, on seeing me, a few have questioned as to why i've been anti-social for the past couple of months and hibernating at home. Uh huh... (?!?!?!)
Anyway, I arrived last Thursday only to find out that we're having an early winter! Seriously, it's a shock to the body coming from Penang where the temperature is above 30 degrees and extremely humid to Christchurch that is less than 10 degrees with crisp chilly wind! BrRrrRRr... But after many sneezes and warm clothing, I managed to keep warm enough so as to not catch a cold.
What has it been like since I arrived back? Things have been different, that's for sure. I've had to adapt back to the NZ lifestyle. It sounds strange, I know... having lived here for 17 years now but somehow my perception of Christchurch has changed. When I was back in Penang, people would ask me where I preferred to live and I would confidently and without hesitation tell them NZ, especially Christchurch. However, having returned to Christchurch, I find that I have doubts as to whether this is the place for me now. Perhaps it's time for me to move on? Then again... maybe I should give it time for me to adapt back to this lifestyle. Anyhow, it has been great catching up with friends again... all the serious conversations, the stupid jokes, the silly comments... yeah, that's been great~
So anyway, my main purpose of returning to NZ was to attend graduation which is exactly what I did on the Tuesday just passed. Fortunately we were blessed with good weather although the sky was darkened with grey clouds. Having attended a few graduations in previous years, it didn't feel like anything special until it finally hit me... it was finally my own! I will admit that I was a nervous wreck walking on stage with the heart pumping like crazy and the legs feeling totally disconnected from my body. But there I was, in front of the many spectators and fellow graduates to receive the degree that has taken me four years to attain and all I got was 5 seconds of fame. Check it out:
... before...

... during...

... after...

Fellow graduates:
Hui Min, Cheong & Me

Lutfi & Me

Louis, Me & Donald

Fiqa, Arina, Me & Wawa

Craig, Chase, Cheong & Me

Haha... Yeah, this photo speaks volumes. We were all pretty happy!

Family & Friends:
Hock, Cheong, Me & Mark

My beloved family... Mum, Me & Bro

Would just like to take this opportunity to thank all those that helped me throughout these past four years, especially last year - your help, advice and support got me through the toughest of times and I will forever be indebted to you all. Also, thank you all for the gifts, the ang pows, the kind thoughts, e-mails and messages.
Alright, before I get teary-eyed... let me bring you back to my trip to Malaysia... REWIND! MuaHaHaHaHa~!!
So sometime in mid-March, we managed to get away for a short trip to KL and Genting Highlands! Before anyone says anything, i'd like to apologise in advance for not meeting up with those in KL. Although I was there for a few days, I was rather busy and couldn't find a convenient time to meet up so "I'M SORRY!!!". Next time... promise!! Anyway, conquered most of the shopping malls there... made a few big purchases including my new Sony Vaio! OMG! Always wanted a Vaio! I still remember always walking into the Sony store down town and just wishing I could walk out with one of them. Hehe! Finally, a wish come true! Yay!
Don't have many photos of us in KL but here are just a couple at none other than, KLCC and the Petronas Twin Towers:
My family... and my cousin - Lilian
The following day, we took the bus to Genting Highlands where we were all looking forward to the nice cool weather. However in order for us to get to our hotel, we needed to take the cable car which is apparently the longest cable car in South East Asia. Hmmm... I personally enjoyed it however there were those in our cable car that didn't. I shall not mention any names. *aHeM*! Bro *aHeM*!
Our cute little cable car...
Its passengers...
The view from midway
The hotel we stayed in was supposedly certified by the World Guiness Book of Records as the biggest hotel with 6118 hotel rooms. The colour makes it look so kiddy... but I guess it was to match the outdoor theme park. Didn't go on the rides though as it was raining and a number of the rides were cancelled.
Of course, where there's an outdoor theme park, there has to be an indoor theme park right? So yeah, here it is... Quite fairytale like eh? Why the Eiffel Tower is there... I have no idea but I guess they're trying to associate Paris with Genting? Haha. Rather far-fetched I must admit.
What else is there to do at Genting? Visit the casinos! Finally, I was of the legal age to enter... not like they actually check! I will never forget "Monte Carlo" where the guard asked for my bro's ID and then let me walk straight through! Grr!! How insulting! I couldn't get over it so I actually asked him and he just smiled. @$$403! But check out the fish tank... If it wasn't for the beautiful fish, I swear I would have cursed this place! HMPH!
With my camera battery running on low, this was one of the last photos I took on this trip. Beautiful lighting. Unfortunately my camera couldn't capture the ambience of the place but the lighting made it like a dream land...
What happened after our return was a blessing in disguise... The day after arriving back in Penang, I fell sick with the flu - body ache, high fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, flem... You know, the usual. After missing a few meals, I decided to go to the General Hospital to see the doctor. Got the meds and after a few days, I was alright. The blessing? I had lost 4 kgs and everyone could see the difference!! MuaHaHaHaHa~!! Only had another 2 kgs to go before I was back to normal. However, even until now... i'm still carrying that weight. *sNiFF*! Nevermind. It was good. That made up for not getting food poisoning this trip. Haha!
During the week that I was ill, my aunt on my Dad's side who was suffering from brain tumour passed away. Amongst my relatives on my Dad's side, she was one of the aunties that I would hear of the most as she was the mother-like figure to all. An amazing woman with a generous heart. She will definitely be missed by her loved ones but none-the-less, she has moved on to a better place and her suffering has finally ended. For that, we will be thankful. May she rest in peace...
The end of March and early April was a very busy time rushing to the airport countless times to pick up relatives that were arriving from around the world. Having planned this occasion for the past couple of years, we were all very excited for this family reunion. Unfortunately due to work commitments, not everyone was able to be in Penang at the same time but no doubt, we made the most of it. As at the 1st of April, these were the cousins in Penang. Those who were absent either still hadn't arrived, or were suffering from food poisoning. Kolien...
The cousins:
Pam, Chris, Kenneth, Me, Evelyn, Lilian & Timothy
After a very simple dinner, the younger cousins decided to have a night out, inviting the older cousins but they wanted to return to the hotel and have an early night (!!!). No doubt a Sunday night was not the most happening party nights but I thoroughly enjoyed it, catching up with cousins - some of whom I hadn't seen for between 7 - 16 years! My goodness we've all grown up! Haha. So anyway, we started out at a place called "Beach Blanket Babylon" while waiting for my brother. What a cool name! Sounds like a secret mission or something. Following that, we made our way over to "Soho" where I found out it's actually a franchise, having been to the one in Kuching!
I feel so short standing to my Thai cousins. *cRiEs*! And yeah... my English cousin's really strong! Haha! Anyhow, the music at "Soho" started off great then turned to 60's music, so we decided to leave and take a stroll through the lanes in search of "Ah Kuas". There weren't that many out in town that night but a couple of the ones we saw were actually quite hot! Anyway, we headed to "Momo" for more drinks. It was quite a nice place... though i'm pretty sure it's a gay bar! Dodgy~!
My cuzzies... Chris, Pam, Roy, Me & Tim and the worst cocktail ever --- Long Island Ice Tea!
Cuzzies and friends... Chris, Pam, Roy, Emily, Me, Sue, Rachel & Tim
After seeing the Ah Kua performing on stage, we were pretty certain that it was a gay bar and decided to leave. Next stop that became our final stop... Uptown. There was a live performance on singing a very familiar song which I can't remember the title of but my head was spinning at a terribly fast pace. Can't really remember taking these photos... Keke!
Me... almost gone...
Oh so gone...
Not the most flattering photo i've ever had but yes, I vomitted... into the drain! Haha! These photos were taken by my lovely cousin, Tim... for the sake of evidence. *fAiNt*! I couldn't believe it. My first time ever, drinking 'til I vomitted. What's worse? In Penang... in front of my cousins. How embarrassing! Luckily I didn't wake up with a hang over the following day but I sure paid for my mistake when my relatives all found out! Haha! All in the name of fun...
My grandpa's 90th birthday celebration was held at home on the 2nd of April. For the past couple of months since i've been in Penang, we've been so busy planning this event - the caterers, hotels, guest list, invitations, etc. It didn't help that we're not "locals". On the day itself, we were all extremely busy with relatives arriving at different times, including those that were arriving from overseas. In the end, it all went pretty smoothly. We were blessed with rather good weather, despite the thunder and slight drizzle. In a way, we were thankful for that as it cooled down the place significantly.
The Venue:
The Children:
Standing: 1st Aunt, Mum, 3rd Uncle, 4th Aunt, 2nd Aunt
Sitting: 2nd Uncle, Ah Kong, 1st Uncle
The Grand Children:
Standing: Su Ghee, Kelvin, Roy, Timothy, Christina, Lilian, Poh Suan, Me
Sitting: Evelyn, Ah Kong & Kenneth
Absent: Chris, Pam, Helen & Raymond
My Family & I:
The Cake and the Grandpa:
After the event, most of my relatives started making their way back home with my Mum and I being the last ones to leave Penang. However, before I left Penang, I had the opportunity to catch up with my cousins on my Dad's side - the Tans! It felt rather strange as i'm the youngest on my Mum's side, yet i'm considered one of the eldest or maybe somewhere in the middle on my Dad's side. Had a buffet dinner at Evergreen Laurel Hotel then the cousins proceeded to "Segafredo" down Gurney Drive for a couple of drinks.
As it was yet again, a Sunday night, we decided to continue on the Wednesday night - Ladies night! Started off at "Slippery Senoritas" but ended up at "Glo" which proved to be more happening, especially towards the end (for the guys anyway). You'll see what I mean!
@ SS:
... Cousins...
Roy, Ivan, U Jern & Me
... + Friends...
From back: Me, Emily, Rachel, Roy, Ivan, U Jern & Sue
... Girls only...
Sue, Emily, Me & Rachel
... Guys (Copycats! :P)
Roy, U Jern & Ivan
@ Glo:
Up close & Personal...
And this is Cheryl...
All I have to say... Revenge is sweet! MuaHaHaHaHa~!!
I like this photo...
It wasn't long after that it was time for me to fly back to NZ. I must say that I was very reluctant to leave Penang. I suppose after spending 2 1/2 months somewhere, it becomes quite hard to leave, especially when I have no idea when i'll be back there again. So yeah, i'll miss Penang - the food... the house... the car... the memories!
But yeah, life is such. We gotta move on. Time waits for no man.