The price we pay...
Wasn't it just an absolutely beautiful day today? Looks like spring's coming!! It officially starts on 1st September eh? Yay!! Then all the spring flowers will start popping up... I'll start my constant sneezing but still insist on going to the Botanical Gardens or Monavale! Wahaha!! I can't wait... :)
Anyway, finally decided to change my Vodafone plan to You Choose simply because text seems to be the "in" thing now and I can't keep up with the 200 text messages allocated under the Motormouth plan. I will however, miss the 200 anytime minutes! :( Sometimes I feel like calling instead of texting but I can't do that anymore under my new plan. Well, I can... it'll just end up costing me a bundle! :)
So yeah, I finally got myself on You Choose after my phone bill kept coming in over $100... So what do I get now? Choose 20 call plan ($19.95) + Your Time 200 ($11.95) + TXT 2000 ($9.95) = $41.85. Not bad huh? I went under a 24 month contract so I get an extra 5 anytime minutes every month. But even if I did break the contract, it would still be worth it... only $40 if I break it and that would decrease according to how long I had left till the end of the term. The other option I considered was to revert back to Prepay but that would mean losing my number. The price we pay for what we like huh?
That aside... 2 weeks ago I decided to join the gym in hope to lose weight and start looking hot! BLAH! So I joined the University of Canterbury Recreation Centre. Thank goodness i'm considered an affiliate (i.e. a graduate). So what would normally cost a UoC student a whole year's membership to sign up during enrolment week ($90) is almost the cost of my 3 month membership - $70! *OuCh*! I suppose that's the monetary cost of looking good. The more costly price is the muscular pain we suffer the day after the workout! But like they say... "no pain no gain"!
I've been 5 times so far. Missed my session on Sunday last week cuz of my ankle. Not quite sure whether it was from gym or badminton last Wednesday but I was walking with my ankle guard on until Sunday night. I thought it was getting better, but after tonight's session, it seems to have gotten worse again. :S I think I just need a new body!
It's common knowledge that making such a commitment is more psychological than physical. For now, i'm trying to stay focus... Damn it! I haven't even eaten KFC, McD or BK for so long! Like Tung says, it's all about balance - diet, strength training and cardio. Did I get that right? Keke! There is a habit I really need to get rid of though... and that's having late night suppers! But i'm so used to it... So I guess, some exercise is better than none? Hmmm...
Last week Mark and Nik forced me to show them a photo of myself when I was in 6th form. I didn't know what their intention was until after their reactions! I mean, see for yourself... I used to be so skinny!! I couldn't get over it for the rest of the day... Then just before, I decided to look through old photos again only to realise that the photo wasn't of me in 6th form but rather in 2003 - 1st year Uni!! OMG! That's worse! It's only been 4 years... have I put on so much weight?! I guess after looking at that photo, i've found even more motivation to get back into shape... I mean, it's possible right? After all, i've been that size before. I'm sure it'll be easy to get back into shape, no?
This discovery actually made me wonder what happened in 2001 until now to make me put on so much weight. It may have been because at the end of 2003, I went back to Malaysia and was pigging out on all the food, expecting to get food poisoning again... but I didn't and then came back with all the excess fat? Or maybe it was from everything that seemed to go wrong ever since I entered Uni that affected me? Or maybe it was the depression and stress from last year? Gosh... I dunno! Maybe i'm just making excuses for my bad eating habits! Haha~! All I know is that I have to lose that weight! It's a good thing i'm not going to Malam Malaysia this year. Otherwise i'll just burst out of my dress!
Talking about Malam Malaysia... I hear it's going to be held next Friday (31st August) at Hotel Grand Chancellor. I truly hope it will be a success. Just to make things clear, it is nothing personal that I and most probably, my group will not be attending this year. Personally, I feel that we have supported the club more than enough this year by participating, volunteering, and supporting everything to do with Bersatu Games 2007 that included not only financial sacrifices but a lot of time and effort. Frankly, we're all beat!
On a happier note, went to watch the Ligers Football Club team play on Sunday. They needed to win in order to stay in contention for the title for their division. They were 1 - 0 down at half time and up until probably the 40th minute in the second half when Azmir suddenly scored. Running on the adrenaline of Azmir's goal to even up the score, Kelvin scored a superb goal which somehow curved into the net in slow motion to give them the win --- 2 - 1! 2 goals in 5 minutes. Not bad at all! They were all so ecstatic over the win that Wilson insisted on taking photos. Luckily I had my camera in my bag. You never know when you're going to need it. :þ~ Hehe!
Unfortunately earlier on tonight, I heard that the Ligers team is facing a contentious issue having 3 points deducted for allowing a non-registered person to play which will evitably put them out of the running for the winner in their division. All I can say is... keep your hopes up! Hopefully everything will turn out fine. You just have to believe! :) ... And probably pray very hard too! :þ~ I'm sure it'll be fine... Or else, look on the bright side... there's always next year?
More bad news... While I was at the gym today, someone decided to do a hit and run on my car. They banged into the left back/side bumper of my car. I noticed that something was strange when I walked out after gym but I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me. I was probably hoping that, that was the case but when I went to touch the damaged area, a piece of paint dropped to the ground. It was real alright. My heart sank. Another problem to deal with.
What's worse is that when we went to the security office, we were greeted by some old guy who when asked how his night was responded that it had been great so far until we lot showed up because it meant that he actually had to do something. If Mark wasn't there and butted in, I probably would have thrown a fit at him! Here I am, having just had my car knocked and he complains about having to do some work. OMG! Stupid old fart! Argh... Maybe i'm just still pissed off. Why do such things have to happen to me huh? Why why why...
On a different note, i've reverted back to "babymay" on MSN instead of "EMObel". That's a good thing I think. Apparently i'm more positive these days. Really? I don't know why and no, it doesn't have to do with anyone. Just because i'm single doesn't mean that whatever life changing event that happens to me has to do with another person of the opposite sex ok? C'mon! Life has more to do with relationships and whatever rubbish. No doubt it'll be nice to have someone there for you but if it's not meant to be, don't push it! Get what I mean? And maybe i'm not even ready for it?
Actually, to a certain extent, I feel scared by the thought of it. Isn't it strange? This is the longest time i've been single ever since I started dating back in 1999. Gosh... I really must have been traumatised! Haha! Jokes! If it's meant to be... it'll happen. While i'm on this topic, let me get one thing straight. I don't need my friends to be cupids! 2 single people does not make a couple! *fAiNt*! Stop making it awkward... Aiyo!
Going in line with what seems to be the theme of this post, let me ask you this question... What price are you willing to pay to get what you want? I know it seems like a very general question but it's just been on my mind lately. I think it's a question that anyone can relate to depending on what stage of life you're in. Seriously consider the answer to that question and then sincerely ask yourself, will it be worth it in the end?
Something that is totally not in sync with my post and to a certain extent, quite contradictary to what I said earlier, is this quotation that comes from a series that I was watching until the season ended - 'Men in Trees'.
'When fantasy meets reality, you never know what you're going to get. Sometimes the reality falls just a little short of the dream and sometimes it exceeds all expectations. It takes courage to reveal your secret desires. Sharing them is a gamble that sometimes brings us closer together and sometimes tears us apart. Maybe that old saying is true "becareful what you wish for, it just might come true"'.
No one will probably understand this but yeah, sometimes I think about wishing but then I hold back and think, the price to pay may be too high to bear.
Anyway, finally decided to change my Vodafone plan to You Choose simply because text seems to be the "in" thing now and I can't keep up with the 200 text messages allocated under the Motormouth plan. I will however, miss the 200 anytime minutes! :( Sometimes I feel like calling instead of texting but I can't do that anymore under my new plan. Well, I can... it'll just end up costing me a bundle! :)
So yeah, I finally got myself on You Choose after my phone bill kept coming in over $100... So what do I get now? Choose 20 call plan ($19.95) + Your Time 200 ($11.95) + TXT 2000 ($9.95) = $41.85. Not bad huh? I went under a 24 month contract so I get an extra 5 anytime minutes every month. But even if I did break the contract, it would still be worth it... only $40 if I break it and that would decrease according to how long I had left till the end of the term. The other option I considered was to revert back to Prepay but that would mean losing my number. The price we pay for what we like huh?
I've been 5 times so far. Missed my session on Sunday last week cuz of my ankle. Not quite sure whether it was from gym or badminton last Wednesday but I was walking with my ankle guard on until Sunday night. I thought it was getting better, but after tonight's session, it seems to have gotten worse again. :S I think I just need a new body!
It's common knowledge that making such a commitment is more psychological than physical. For now, i'm trying to stay focus... Damn it! I haven't even eaten KFC, McD or BK for so long! Like Tung says, it's all about balance - diet, strength training and cardio. Did I get that right? Keke! There is a habit I really need to get rid of though... and that's having late night suppers! But i'm so used to it... So I guess, some exercise is better than none? Hmmm...
This discovery actually made me wonder what happened in 2001 until now to make me put on so much weight. It may have been because at the end of 2003, I went back to Malaysia and was pigging out on all the food, expecting to get food poisoning again... but I didn't and then came back with all the excess fat? Or maybe it was from everything that seemed to go wrong ever since I entered Uni that affected me? Or maybe it was the depression and stress from last year? Gosh... I dunno! Maybe i'm just making excuses for my bad eating habits! Haha~! All I know is that I have to lose that weight! It's a good thing i'm not going to Malam Malaysia this year. Otherwise i'll just burst out of my dress!
Talking about Malam Malaysia... I hear it's going to be held next Friday (31st August) at Hotel Grand Chancellor. I truly hope it will be a success. Just to make things clear, it is nothing personal that I and most probably, my group will not be attending this year. Personally, I feel that we have supported the club more than enough this year by participating, volunteering, and supporting everything to do with Bersatu Games 2007 that included not only financial sacrifices but a lot of time and effort. Frankly, we're all beat!
On a happier note, went to watch the Ligers Football Club team play on Sunday. They needed to win in order to stay in contention for the title for their division. They were 1 - 0 down at half time and up until probably the 40th minute in the second half when Azmir suddenly scored. Running on the adrenaline of Azmir's goal to even up the score, Kelvin scored a superb goal which somehow curved into the net in slow motion to give them the win --- 2 - 1! 2 goals in 5 minutes. Not bad at all! They were all so ecstatic over the win that Wilson insisted on taking photos. Luckily I had my camera in my bag. You never know when you're going to need it. :þ~ Hehe!
Unfortunately earlier on tonight, I heard that the Ligers team is facing a contentious issue having 3 points deducted for allowing a non-registered person to play which will evitably put them out of the running for the winner in their division. All I can say is... keep your hopes up! Hopefully everything will turn out fine. You just have to believe! :) ... And probably pray very hard too! :þ~ I'm sure it'll be fine... Or else, look on the bright side... there's always next year?
More bad news... While I was at the gym today, someone decided to do a hit and run on my car. They banged into the left back/side bumper of my car. I noticed that something was strange when I walked out after gym but I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me. I was probably hoping that, that was the case but when I went to touch the damaged area, a piece of paint dropped to the ground. It was real alright. My heart sank. Another problem to deal with.
What's worse is that when we went to the security office, we were greeted by some old guy who when asked how his night was responded that it had been great so far until we lot showed up because it meant that he actually had to do something. If Mark wasn't there and butted in, I probably would have thrown a fit at him! Here I am, having just had my car knocked and he complains about having to do some work. OMG! Stupid old fart! Argh... Maybe i'm just still pissed off. Why do such things have to happen to me huh? Why why why...
On a different note, i've reverted back to "babymay" on MSN instead of "EMObel". That's a good thing I think. Apparently i'm more positive these days. Really? I don't know why and no, it doesn't have to do with anyone. Just because i'm single doesn't mean that whatever life changing event that happens to me has to do with another person of the opposite sex ok? C'mon! Life has more to do with relationships and whatever rubbish. No doubt it'll be nice to have someone there for you but if it's not meant to be, don't push it! Get what I mean? And maybe i'm not even ready for it?
Actually, to a certain extent, I feel scared by the thought of it. Isn't it strange? This is the longest time i've been single ever since I started dating back in 1999. Gosh... I really must have been traumatised! Haha! Jokes! If it's meant to be... it'll happen. While i'm on this topic, let me get one thing straight. I don't need my friends to be cupids! 2 single people does not make a couple! *fAiNt*! Stop making it awkward... Aiyo!
Going in line with what seems to be the theme of this post, let me ask you this question... What price are you willing to pay to get what you want? I know it seems like a very general question but it's just been on my mind lately. I think it's a question that anyone can relate to depending on what stage of life you're in. Seriously consider the answer to that question and then sincerely ask yourself, will it be worth it in the end?
Something that is totally not in sync with my post and to a certain extent, quite contradictary to what I said earlier, is this quotation that comes from a series that I was watching until the season ended - 'Men in Trees'.
'When fantasy meets reality, you never know what you're going to get. Sometimes the reality falls just a little short of the dream and sometimes it exceeds all expectations. It takes courage to reveal your secret desires. Sharing them is a gamble that sometimes brings us closer together and sometimes tears us apart. Maybe that old saying is true "becareful what you wish for, it just might come true"'.
Men in Trees - Season 1, Episode 20
No one will probably understand this but yeah, sometimes I think about wishing but then I hold back and think, the price to pay may be too high to bear.
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