Holidays are almost over...
It has been a real rollercoaster ride for me for the past couple of months. It's almost the end of the mid-semester break now. I have wondered on many occasions what I could have done within the past 2 1/2 weeks that I didn't do. Are there any regrets? Who knows. Many life changing things have happened and yet i'm still struggling through, barely surviving. Whatever doesn't break you, makes you a stronger person, yea?
I suppose that sometimes the choices we make aren't the best and we just hope that somehow in the future, everything will fall back into place so that life can continue to be a meaningful one and full of purpose. Perhaps, whoever's toes we have trodden on, will learn to forgive us for all the hurt and pain we have caused them. Perhaps, we should forgive those who have trodden on our toes too.
In times of depression or self-pity, what is it that gets you through? Haha. I think mine is pretty obvious --- SHOPPING!! It's something that can happen all day long, takes up a lot of time, energy AND of course, money. It also leaves you so tired at the end of the day that you don't have time to think of your problems anymore. True? Yeah, I love shopping. Hmmm... *SiGh* Maybe i'm just weak and I let everything get to me too easily until I fail as a person to everyone i'm suppose to be strong for.
Over the past few weeks, i've been spending at least $100 everytime I go out shopping, happy at first by the purchases i've made during the day but when I get home, it just sits in the corner or gets thrown under the bed. I think it's an addiction! There should be a Shopping-Anonymous meeting I could attend... somewhere? Hehe.
I have plenty of work to catch up on before Uni reopens. Am rather behind because of the blocked gland in my right eye that has caused my eye-lid to swell up and look so gross that I have to wear my sunglasses everywhere I go - even though it's been cloudy and raining in Christchurch for the past 2 days. Everyone must think i'm weird. I guess i'd rather have them think i'm weird than for them to stare at the lump on my eye and get grossed out.
An update on the eye: one side has popped and the puss/blood has been ooz-ing out every now and then so the size of the lump has been reduced immensely though I still look weird. Just hope that my eye returns to normal by Saturday. Pray hard for me yea? :P
No more mood to blog. Seems that this is really a blog of sadness. Well, this is me... bitching about my life... and the silly things i will do/am doing/have done. Whatever. Sometimes there is just no way to justify the things we will do/am doing/have done. Whatever will/is/has happen/ing/ed will/is/has happen/ing/ed. I guess we just have to learn to live with it.
Seems like this photo was taken so long ago, when my hair was still naturally straight. When I still smiled from ear to ear. Most importantly, when my eye was normal!! Grr!! Gimme back my eye!! *cRiEs* Maybe it's a form of punishment... *fAiNt*!
I suppose that sometimes the choices we make aren't the best and we just hope that somehow in the future, everything will fall back into place so that life can continue to be a meaningful one and full of purpose. Perhaps, whoever's toes we have trodden on, will learn to forgive us for all the hurt and pain we have caused them. Perhaps, we should forgive those who have trodden on our toes too.
In times of depression or self-pity, what is it that gets you through? Haha. I think mine is pretty obvious --- SHOPPING!! It's something that can happen all day long, takes up a lot of time, energy AND of course, money. It also leaves you so tired at the end of the day that you don't have time to think of your problems anymore. True? Yeah, I love shopping. Hmmm... *SiGh* Maybe i'm just weak and I let everything get to me too easily until I fail as a person to everyone i'm suppose to be strong for.
Over the past few weeks, i've been spending at least $100 everytime I go out shopping, happy at first by the purchases i've made during the day but when I get home, it just sits in the corner or gets thrown under the bed. I think it's an addiction! There should be a Shopping-Anonymous meeting I could attend... somewhere? Hehe.
I have plenty of work to catch up on before Uni reopens. Am rather behind because of the blocked gland in my right eye that has caused my eye-lid to swell up and look so gross that I have to wear my sunglasses everywhere I go - even though it's been cloudy and raining in Christchurch for the past 2 days. Everyone must think i'm weird. I guess i'd rather have them think i'm weird than for them to stare at the lump on my eye and get grossed out.
An update on the eye: one side has popped and the puss/blood has been ooz-ing out every now and then so the size of the lump has been reduced immensely though I still look weird. Just hope that my eye returns to normal by Saturday. Pray hard for me yea? :P
No more mood to blog. Seems that this is really a blog of sadness. Well, this is me... bitching about my life... and the silly things i will do/am doing/have done. Whatever. Sometimes there is just no way to justify the things we will do/am doing/have done. Whatever will/is/has happen/ing/ed will/is/has happen/ing/ed. I guess we just have to learn to live with it.