Almost a month has passed. Needless to say, so much has happened...
As I sit here staring at this very empty screen, i'm honestly lost for words.
This past month has had it's share of ups and downs. We've experienced the joys and happiness of celebrations, while also mourning the death of a friend. I've only recently finished summer school - finally, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. At last, I can feel the satisfaction of having finished to enjoy this long awaited holiday. :)
For those of you who have been checking my blog for updates and found none, don't worry i'm still alive. Although it would be fair to say that, this blog shouldn't act as a substitute to contacting me personally. It's always nice to hear from all of you. I do keep you in my daily thoughts.
With Christmas fast approaching, i'd just like to wish everyone:
! ~ ! ~ Merry Christmas ~ ! ~ !
'Tis the season to be jolly... and jolly we will be~
If you're in Christchurch, do join us for Andrew's annual Christmas BBQ celebration:
Venue: Andrew's house (Message me for the address)
Time: 3:00pm - ???
Date: Monday, 25th December, 2006Food is provided but do let me know if you're coming so enough food can be purchased! Also, BYO alcohol!! Expect to eat, drink and vomit!
Here are some photos from before my camera was dropped. That's a story in itself that I will not attempt to explain. Those of you who know will know...
Kathryn & Lily's 21st Birthday Celebration:
The birthday girls: Lily & Kathryn
Yang with itchy fingers trying to find out what the green button does. Yeah, it's called the alarm button! *fAiNt*!
Yang, Bin, Hock, Sophia & I
Couldn't fit everyone in the room, so... some of the people who attended
Before we went to town: Yang, Bin, Hui Lin, Hock, Kathryn, Angeline, Me, Lily & Blasius
Ploy's Graduation Party & Art Exhibition:

The group...

Err... What can I say? The guys get a bit... gay? (Cheong's already gay... He just hasn't come out yet! :P)
There are other photos, especially from karaoke but I don't think they are very "appropriate" to place on a public blog such as this. *aHeM*!
Before I forget, congratulations to Aveline, Alvin, and Ben who are now officially doctors (!!) and to everyone else, Brendan, Justin, Stella, Ai Wei... and whoever else I have not mentioned who have graduated! I wish you all the best of luck!! :)
Ok... Until next time... whenever that may be... Take care and keep warm...