Happy Merdeka Day!!

Here we have it... the CMSA webmaster... the Malaysian Ball tech crew... asking me whether there's an event planned for Merdeka Day!! Dude... What do you think the ball was held for?!?! *fAiNt*! Good one Jwin Hxen. Err... Hehe... Did I just mention your name? Sorry ya... My keyboard "lao ya" one... No backspace button... No delete button either... Keke!! YEAH RIGHT!! :P
His name on the other hand... That's a whole other issue... "Jwin Hxen"... How on earth do you pronounce that? I mean... I know cuz i've heard it... but if you've just seen it written down you won't know where to start. The J or the W... The H or the X? Err??? I reckon it's a mixture of "Jason" and "Vincent"? No? Hmmm... Which is partly why he got nicknamed "Sparticus" (Is that how you spell it??)... I call him "Sparks" for short... Have no idea how that nickname came about! But it's cool... electrifying... Yea?
So let's get to the actual reason why I decided to blog today... It is now the 31st August, 2006 which marks the 49th year of Malaysia's independence from British colonialism. So...

I admit that I don't know too much when it comes to Malaysia's history. You can't blame me!! I've been living in New Zealand since I was 5 1/2 years old... meaning that this would be my 16th year so it's not surprising that I know more about New Zealand than Malaysia... Yalah yalah... I'm a banana... Duh~! Don't hassle me... Haha. And no... I don't know how to sing the national athem. Probably not the best thing to publicise... OH WELL!! It's the truth...
Talking about the truth... Ahhh... That's a topic for another time... When I really feel like venting...
By the way, I have posted photos from the CMSA BBQ #2, Bersatu Victory Party and Bowling Night which are found under the photo section of my blog... as "Photo Archive" under "Other Publications". Do check back for photos of the ball. Hopefully i'll be able to post them up sometime this week, or else next week.
Alright! Time for me to down some alcohol... while watching episode one, season 2 of PRISON BREAK!! That's right... It's out!! Hehe... Will let you know what I think of it next time! :)
P.S. Does anyone actually read my blog??