Life through my eyes...

Monday, October 31, 2005

Late night...

I need a break. My brain feels like it's going to explode. My eyes are more panda than ever. <--- Good english, eh? Haha...

Looking at my bed... I can't wait to crawl underneath my covers and feel guilt-free that I can actually sleep peacefully knowing that i've prepared as much as possible. Then again, no one's ever quite as prepared as they had hoped. Ah... pessimism kicks in once again.

Went to Heather's house for Esther's "fish slice soup with rice" dinner on Saturday night. It tasted yummy with the extra 'Esther touch'. Hehe... (Thank me for the compliment Esther... *aHeM*!).

Anyway, we managed to take some photos after the boys reluctantly paused their game on the PS2. It was rather entertaining to watch everyone else score against Melvin while playing soccer (though you can say that he is partly handicapped at the moment with his "broken finger"... Hehe) and I believe that Olivia's meant to have one less b**b now?? Hmmm... But i'll put it down to the possibility that you may have been a little tipsy, or else why didn't you join us for bubble tea ha?!?! Don't give me excuses! Hehe...

Ok, i'll cut Oli some slack by explaining that she had to drink two shots of tequila and eat the worms as well. Visit her website (under my links) if you wanna read more about her experience. :P She only ate one... ONLY I say... She did well. I couldn't have done it, that's for sure. Esther ate the other one without even giving it a second thought. Yuck. You two are seriously gross but you've definitely earned my respect after that! *sHiVeR*

Photos below are just some of the photos we took last night. Am still waiting for photos from the others which i'll probably only get after exams. So, this is like a sneak preview. Keep checking my photo section for updates ok? Enjoy!!

Currently: 4 more exams... 6 more days until i'm free...

Wish me luck people!

Friday, October 28, 2005

My frustrations...

Dear everyone:

This is me letting off some frustration to let you know that...

I hate ECON 201!! I hate macroeconomics!! Why the hell do we have to know about all this rubbish?! It has to be the worse subject i've taken ever in the three years i've been at university! It's the subject I regret taking the most!!

The material is so boring which makes it hard to read because your attention span is shorter and therefore, it's hard to understand! It's also full of crap too. A lot of unnecessary material. I can actually condense the lecturer's almost 200 pages of notes (excluding graphs which is another book of 100 pages) into less than 10 pages of writing including graphs. ARGH!

The worse thing above all is that I have to take a bloody 3 hour exam on material that bores me to sleep and hope for a miracle to pass! It will honestly take a miracle... I NEED A MIRACLE DAMMIT!


Currently: 5 more exams to go. GRRR!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Labour weekend

I had anticipated this long weekend 2 months ago when we booked the air tickets. But the long weekend... *PoOf*! Gone! No exciting events because it was in the midst of study break! I feel so guilty... It must have been boring... *SiGh* Sorry...

Anyway, these two photos pretty much summed up my long weekend:

Yeah, study... and then the usual - goodbye. *SiGh* What an exciting life...

For those currently facing exams:

I wish you the very best and good luck! You only get what you put in and the future is only in your hands! Pray hard and hope that it's not too late. Hehe...

Currently: 6 exams to go...

! ~ GoOd LuCk ~ ! ~ GoOd LuCk ~ ! ~ GoOd LuCk ~ !

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Learn to laugh at yourself

Watched "Dr. Phil" yesterday. When concluding he mentioned something that caught my attention which were along the lines of:

"If you can't learn to laugh at yourself then all you'll do is cry"

This is very applicable in our every day life. If we are unable to laugh at ourselves, then what happiness can we have in this world when everyone seems to be so judgemental of others? I suppose it all comes down to our inner strength to allow us to believe in ourselves and be self-confident by not allowing words or actions from others to harm the perception of ourselves.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that we should be egoistic or proud and look down on others but just learn how to accept ourselves for who we are and not what others think we are because in the end, only we know ourselves best and while others can leave us, we will never be able to leave ourselves.

To be in denial and withdraw ourselves from the crowd to hide ourselves away from criticisms only shelters us from the outside world. It does not help us to grow in the sense of maturity, confidence, independence and experience which we require for survival in the real world.

The way people treat us will be a reflection of how much we respect ourselves. Strangers may become our friend or foe depending on our willingness to put ourselves on the line and learn to accept people as an imperfect being on this earth, which we too are.

In the end, if only everyone lived according to the commandment that:
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"
then this world would never have a drop of a sad tear because in reality, everyone loves themselves too much to inflict pain and hurt on themselves.

So, if you find yourself attacked by negative comments from those around you... learn how to laugh at yourself so maybe you can avoid needless tears...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy 21st Birthday Michele!

Attended Michele's surprise 21st birthday party earlier this evening, held at McDonald's. Felt like young kids once again having the traditional McDonald's birthday celebrations in their party room. Hehe... But it was all great fun. Love the decorations. Well done to Jo for organising it and HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY MICHELE!

Anyway, below are some of the photos that were taken at the event:

I suppose amongst all the worse times of the year to be born in is around EXAM time where it seems to be very difficult to organise birthday celebrations. But I always believe in the philosophy: If there's a will, there's a way. So far, it has proven true once again.

On a different note, Labour weekend is coming up! For those that are retired, it wouldn't make much of a difference except that you can enjoy "Labour weekend sales". For those who are working, enjoy the long weekend, unless you're able to work for 1 1/2 times the normal pay which is usually a very nice incentive to work on a public holiday. But have pity on the poor students because all it means to them is that: EXAMS ARE DRAWING NEARER! Include us in your prayers.

Counting down: 2 days until Kevin's back in Christchurch but 7 days until my first exam. To be happy or not to be happy... That is the question...


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Tick tock... tick tock... Time is running out.

Lectures have finished for the year. Study break has just begun. Exams commence next week. I predict that it's going to be a horrible 3 weeks for me (and possibly for everyone else in the same situation). I'm going to be struggling - having 6 exams in 11 days, but just wait until the 5th of November when i'll finally be free from all the stress and anxiety, then we can P-A-R-T-Y! :)

Anyway, just like to wish Ronald --- happy belated 21st birthday!

Also, for Jon who left for Japan yesterday: I hope that the start of your new phase of life proves worthy of the sacrifices made. I wish you all the best and every success in everything you choose to endeavour in. No regrets.

Which brings me to something that i've been battling with, especially for the past couple of years. I suppose one thing about having lived overseas for such a long time is that you see more farewells than the average person who continued to live in their original country. It's sad to think that you have grown so close to certain people, only to see them leave after a few years. Then again, I guess I must accept that we are all here as a stepping stone for bigger and better things to come in the future... and some day soon, I too will cease the opportunity of starting afresh elsewhere, leaving everything but memories behind...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

It's sad...

It is very sad how life can change so dramatically in the blink of an eye. Undoubtedly, every person goes through life always questioning the possibility of life any other way than what we have grown so used to. It is the dream of the perfect life that always influences our decisions. However, with every decision made, there is an opportunity cost that must be forsaken. It is time to grasp the fact that for me, the perfect life will never, never exist. It will always be my dream that can never come true.

I will admit that it shatters me to think that it will never be... not ever again, not like it used to be. But, i'm old enough to understand that every decision made has been calculated and consequences considered. In time, I will believe that this is for the best. Nevertheless, until then, I will try to make the best out of the remains and hope that in the future, we will all see the light at the end of the tunnel and be thankful for everything that still exists.

This is my family... united, a farewell to my father as he returns back to Penang --- Love and kisses Dad. Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey. May God bless you and keep you, until we meet again.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Update for the past few days

Having just arrived home, and a brief telephone conversation, i'm just about done for the day at 12:29am. It may seem that I have been neglecting my blog and to a certain extent, this is quite true. I guess i've just been too caught up with spending time with my family while preparing for my exams to really have time to allow myself to sit down and share my thoughts with the outside world.

Some people have mentioned that my blog seems to revolve around me. My response to that is: what else is a blog for except to express my own thoughts and feelings about the issues that concern or affect me? Isn't a personal blog a reflection of the author? Perhaps it would be wise for you to sit down and analyse/judge yourself before you lash out at others. For goodness sake, hold your tongue so that it will give us some reason why your credibility should remain.

At this point, I would just like to wish the following people a very HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!:

  • Jonathan Ha (8th October)
  • Ah Boo (9th October)
  • Jessie Hou (10th October)
  • Casey Fung (11th October)

I have since added an extra to my blog which contains the zodiac readings for 2006, by Thomas Tan, for those who are interested. It is not as user friendly as I would have liked it to be but due to time constraints, I have had to leave it as it is until I can find the time to address the problem. This can be found at: or else check under my profile for other blog publications made by me. Over the summer, I hope to change the layout of my blog so please bare with me until then.

Catch a glimpse of some photos that were taken recently. More photos will be placed in the photo section of my blog in due course. For now, the following photos were taken at Uni last Friday while watching the 1st pro civil engineering students test their bridges across the duck faeces polluted river where participants fell in every now and then.

Our little group then decided to reconvene at Northlands Mall where we ended up having so much fun at Toy World. Enjoy the photos! :)

I'm too tired to continue, almost having to pry my eyes open. So on that note, good night and to you (you know who you are), i'm sorry I didn't have time for you tonight but be glad that there's always tomorrow. ZzzZZzZZzzz... Dream land here I come!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Me? Vivian Hsu? Huh??

Over the years, many of you have insisted that I somehow resemble the beautiful and exotic, Vivian Hsu. My response to this is, NO WAY!

I decided to do a google search on this prominent taiwanese actress, model and singer, and found many photos which can be found at the following websites (amongst others):

So once and for all, I invite anyone and everyone of you out there to clarify this point for me by finding a photo that shows the slightest resemblance and inform me of HOW I could possibly look like her.

Until someone tells me their view, I think that your vision is impaired. Hehe... But seriously, show me - post a comment or two and tell me HOW. *fAiNt*!

Oh, just to clarify - i'm not being egoistic. I'm just confused as to how people can make this claim.

Nothing to say...

My mind is completely blank. Luckily it's happening now instead of during exams. I'm out of ideas of what to write tonight. Maybe i'm just too tired and my brain has been used to its full capacity for the day. It's a sign that I need to sleep soon.

However, I would just like to take this opportunity to wish Olivia a very happy belated birthday for yesterday (5th October).

To everyone else out there: Good night! Stay tuned for whenever I have the inspiration to write more. If you have the time, drop me a line or two so that I know that there are actually people out there who value my blog.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Back in Christchurch

It's suppose to get easier each time, though somehow I seem to be finding it harder. It breaks me. My heart sinks and suddenly I feel lost - alone in this world once again. Though I know that you're always there, it's never the same than having you by my side each day.

It's so quiet. I wish I wasn't here... If I have to be here, I wish you were here with me...

I guess, we always wish for something that we don't have. We're never satisfied with what we've got. Somehow, we always envy those around us for what they have, and forget that they may be envying us for what we have too. Perhaps I should just learn to treasure what I have.

Then again, if I did that, I wouldn't be human would I?

Exams are nearing. My head's a mess. God help me... Help me get through just one more month until my mind can rest... and my heart can beat normally again...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Blogging from Auckland

The sky tower was blue when i arrived last night, and now it's pink? It's quite interesting how they play with the colour of the tower to represent different events happening around New Zealand. What this current colour represents, I have no idea.

Anyway, I have to keep this short. Had a very long day today. Left the apartment at 11:00am and arrived back at 6:30pm. Viewed around 10 different houses. Liked 1. *fAiNt* It is a very slow and time consuming process. Was so tired that as soon as our heads lay on the pillow, we fell asleep. At 11:00pm, we are just heading out for dinner.

Because of the sudden change of plans (Me coming up to Auckland instead of Kevin going down to Christchurch), I have missed a few events this weekend:
1. Annabel's birthday bbq at Groynes - Happy birthday! Hope it all went well. :)
2. Sean's belated birthday celebration - It was his big 21st! Happy belated birthday for Wednesday! Hope you go clubbing tonight (though it's not as fun when you don't drink)! and finally,
3. Happy birthday to Tzin Wei for tomorrow! - If you do end up celebrating it somehow, hope you enjoy yourself!

Just a reminder for everyone: Daylights savings is tomorrow. Be sure to turn the clocks forward by one hour before you sleep. For those that are unsure of what the implications of this is: the time difference between New Zealand and Malaysia will now be 5 hours (instead of 4) and New Zealand to UK will now be 13 hours (instead of 12).